Chapter 4.1 Hot Chocolate

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Her jacket's hood and sunglasses hid Lisa's face. No one could know who she was or why she was here. Every finger in the universe would point to the model if anyone found out that the frozen girl's life was hanging by a thread. All the news outlets would spread the word like the plague. Her head turned and spun with the image of the other girl lying in the muddied grass in a fetal position. It was so sad to see her like that! Lisa took a cab with the "psycho" in her arms. To keep the blond girl warm, Lisa would rub her body to give it heat, but it was a useless effort since wet clothes still clung to the frozen girl's body.

"Would you be able to deal with the death of that woman?" Jungkook asked as he headed towards the hospital's cafeteria for some hot chocolates.

Jeon Junkgkook wasn't just her best friend. As Lisa would describe him, the "son of a bitch" was her modeling partner and a medical student about to graduate. She had turned to him for help like times like this. Jungkook guided Lisa through a secrete entrance into the hospital, and she followed his instruction as to what to do before she arrived.

The "psycho" was admitted into the emergency room, where a team was already waiting for her to start the full protocol for hypothermia. The frozen girl was in critical condition.

Lisa didn't answer her best friend. She would not be able to cope with the death even if said person had broken into her home. While the dark-haired girl peacefully slept under warm heavy sheets, the blond girl slept under heavy rain without anything to protect her, barefoot, and starved. God damn. Lisa had been the one to fill out the admission papers with a nurse; not knowing the blonde woman's name, Lisa put the only thing she remembered, the girl's last name, Cavendish.

"Calm down, tiger; she's with the best doctors in the country. That's something I can assure you since many of them are my professors." He handed her a hot chocolate as he visibly saw how shaken the girl was. "Will you now explain to me who this woman is and why she was dressed like that?"

The trembling woman explained everything that had happened the night before. Lisa described how she had arrived, how she had found the other girl, and what she did after.

"I don't understand how the doormen didn't see her enter the building, I would need to check the security footage, but that doesn't matter right now. I have to fix this mess right now; in the meantime, I need you to check if a woman with the last name Cavendish has escaped any mental psych wards or something like that."

"Maybe it's an actress that hit her head and got lost while filming somehow in a dazed state; she got to your apartment. I don't know she could have been in an accident; there are so many possibilities." He finished his hot chocolate and tossed the cup in a nearby trashcan." Although, you do have to admit that you were a bit harsh on the poor girl. You could have at least checked that she had left the area, for your own good."

"Do you know how she's doing?"

"She's only been in there for two hours, but I'll see what I can do." He left quietly with his student ID around his neck. It was his day off, but since he was top of his class and almost board-certified, the staff allowed him in the hospital's restricted areas.

Lisa buried her head in her hands, thinking about how she would get out of this mess she had gotten herself into. 


Welp, I couldn't sleep, and I was done studying, so I decided to upload an extra chapter today. It's short, but the next one will be longer. I am sleep-deprived; it is currently almost 3 am and I need to wake up at 6 am, so if you see any mistakes feel free to shoot me. 

I decided to start giving each chapter a title just for fun. 

Oh and Ta DA Jungkook has entered...

Don't worry, though everything is going to be fine. For now..... hehe

Thanks again for showing support; it makes me happy like food makes Rosé happy. Hot chocolate sounds good right now :(

 Hot chocolate sounds good right now :(

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