Chapter 10.1 Little Fairy

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She knew; she only needed to see those emerald eyes to recognize that this woman hidden beneath the blankets was the same woman she ran into 300 years ago. Their first encounter was engraved in her mind; the "peasant" had looked at her with the most vivid green eyes she had ever seen; the cautious villager had been so humbled and shocked when Rosé, a noble class girl, had spoken to her. The woman next to her right now may have had the same eyes as the farmer girl she met 300 years ago, but her behavior now was completely indistinguishable. What if personalities changed when their souls reincarnated? Wait, what was she thinking?! This was not the same peasant girl from her century! Rosé blinked a couple of times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating and started to leave the room to save the last drop of dignity she had left. She did not want to be discovered by Lisa, who would have yelled at her for trespassing in her room. Before she could flee, Lisa pulled the blanket away from her face and gave her a smirk. A smile? -She was smiling! The gesture had left the brown-eyed girl stunned.

"Hello?" The foul smell of alcohol on her breath made it clear that she was drunk, although she might have also been sick. "Are you a fairy?"

"Miss Manoban, you're delirious; please go back to sleep." Rosé looked back at the nightstand. "Maeng prepared this for you; it's chicken soup."

"Fairy, pssstttt, little fairy." Lisa looked tired; she was sweating, and her skin was burning. She stretched out a finger to point at Rosé. "Do you grant wishes?"

"Fairies don't exist." Yet somehow, I was transported 300 years into the future, who knows, maybe I should keep an open mind, a confused Rosé thought. She was uncomfortable seeing Manoban in a sweet but drunken daze. She wanted to bolt out of the room at the looming thought that Lisa may have been the reincarnation of the peasant woman. Why? Why her?! 

"Please eat your soup."

"I can't move my arms; my body hurts; I'm sick." The drunken girl pouted and frowned. The alcohol had clearly impacted her judgment. "Feed me."

Rosé clenched her hands, unsure how to react to the request. Why should she be the one to help her eat the soup? Lisa Manoban was an irritable egocentric woman; she could be classified as a "Casanova." Besides, the arrogant model had called Rosé a servant earlier that day. Rosé had nothing against maids; she considered them necessary and appreciated their hard work; she knew it was something she could never do, but the way Manoban brushed her off had rubbed her the wrong way.

Nevertheless, Rosé Cavendish wasn't vengeful nor usually held a grudge. She had been raised to have a strong character; her conscience had also taught her how to be fair and different from the rest of the English Monarchy. She gave Lisa an annoyed look, but the sick girl returned another stupid grin; this time, Rosé reached for the spoon to help the weakened girl.

"Fairy, please feed me..."

Rosé grunted, but as always, she kept her ladylike composure.

"Lean back on the bed frame." While complaining, Lisa mustered up enough strength to do what the "little fairy" had ordered her to do, although she enjoyed it when her "fairy" had adjusted her pillows. "Here, take this first spoonful."

Lisa accepted her first serving; it was hot and delicious, just like Maeng had always made it for her.

"Thank you very much, little fairy. I want more." That is when the intoxicated girl dropped her wolfish and predatory gaze.

Rosé continued to feed the model until there was nothing left. Tired after exerting so much effort, Lisa settled back under her sheets. The only thing she wanted to do now was sleep; she was also dying to grab the hand of the beautiful fairy who had taken care of her but had the feeling that she would end up throwing up all over her.

"Thank you, Miss Cavendish." She said before succumbing to sleep.

Lisa had said it sincerely but had no idea of her words' impact on the "little fairy" at her side. Trembling with anxiety, Rosé pulled another dark blanket over the model's face leaving only her emerald orbs visible. If she had any doubts before, they had disappeared entirely. Rosé had heard the same voice that had thanked her three centuries ago—seeing Lisa's hidden face once more had proven that she was indeed the same girl. The peasant girl, whose name she did not know, had reincarnated. She had reborn! She was Lisa Manoban! But why? Did the poor farm girl not have the chance to love a man back then happily? Her reincarnation liked women; it was still an odd concept to her, but Rosé was accepting it. The world had advanced so much, and she theorized that it must have been an accepted norm now. Could it be possible that the peasant woman had also liked women; was that why she didn't have a happy ending?

Rosé's eyes filled with tears; her head was spinning. Her discovery had caused her turmoil. The truth was undeniable; she had been transported the same day she had accidentally crossed paths with the peasant woman to this century. Why was this happening to her? She couldn't stand the impossible and absurd thoughts filling her mind any longer and finally fled the room. She retreated to her bedroom, where she took a shower and then laid on her bed. She needed to sleep; she needed to rest before summing up enough courage to keep investigating her time jump. Was it just a coincidence that she had appeared in the home of someone whose past life was that of a farm girl she had met by accident?



Here's a short but sweet chapter for you guys. I'm a fan of drunk Lisa. Hope you guys liked it. lol


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