Beyond the Sky

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Damion had received a email from the hospital with Levi's newest report.


Your wife LEVI M. doesn't seem to be getting any better we are sorry to inform you that we can no longer care for her. You have been given the option of pulling the plug or taking care of her yourself in your house.

Please respond to this email within 30 days with your response.

We thank you for your support.

With the news of Levi's condition Damion was horrified. He knew what he had to do.

Damion had contacted many deferent people around the world. He planned to expand the company to be a world wide company. He got a shipping company to ship products around the world. He started construction on deferent parts of the world on new buildings he hired people to work at these deferent buildings. While he was doing this he had Levi and all the equipment needed to keep her alive moved into the house they had bought so long ago. He notified Josh of what's happening and asked him to keep her company and keep her healthy until he was able to finish all his business in New York. 

With all the new improvements and upgrades he had made to the company the old CEO had returned to see how Damion was doing.

Old CEO: "Hello my boy, I see you've done some changes." He says walking in into Damion's office. "Oh my what has happened to you? You look awful!" He says with a look of shock on his face.

Damion: "Well that's not nice of you to say sir." He says not looking up form his computer.

Old CEO: "I apologize my son. How are things?" He says sitting down.

Damion: "I wish I could say that everything's alright but I can't. I'm extremally busy so please make this quick." He says now looking up at him and giving him his fool attention.

Old CEO: "Well I just wanted to check up on you. People where saying you were acting differently than before." He said worried.

Damion: "Yeah things have been stressful recently even I break sometimes." He says impatiently.

Old CEO: "It appears so..." He says looking down to his feet.

Damion: "I'm sorry sir but I have a lot of thing's that need to be done" He says even more impatiently

Old CEO: "I'll leave you to your work then..." He says leaving the room.

Damion finished up all of the contracts and paid for all the things needed. He met with the people and had everything ready. He kept thing up until everything was running smoothly. He observed a bit until he knew that things would be alright with him gone.

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