Just Maybe

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Charlie went down to check on the Krafayis he was a bit startled when he saw it was awake, "Hey buddy. Sorry about calling you a leathered arse rooster, I was scared. You were scared. It just, wasn't a good combination."

The thing screeched.

"I know you're still a bit startled," he was treating it like a scared lost kid, that was the only thing he could conjure to be close enough to the situation, "I promise, we'll take you to a good home, where you can hunt without hurting anyone, and where you can live a natural life."

He knew the alien was likely to die, as it couldn't hunt properly without its sight, but at least it could die a natural death rather than a human caused one.

The thing was now lying in a corner, purring itself to sleep.

Charlie walked over, and started to pet the feathered part of its head, "I am sorry this happened to you, I hope that this makes up for it."

As the Tardis could sense the sleeping alien, it started dimming the lights, just enough that Charlie could see his way out.

The Doctor was leaning outside, in the hallway, "He says he appreciates your kindness, the reason he hadn't attacked us when you first woke up, was because you defended him."

Charlie smiled, "Well, you lot could've chosen not to listen. You lot could've claimed it was the delusions of an injured man."

"Speaking of which, let's head over to the MedBay. Get your head checked."

Charlie nodded and followed the bowtie wearing alien.


After many twists and turns, the Doctor had finally been lucky enough to find the correct door to the MedBay. He tried not to let it show that he had been lost on his own ship, but Charlie was too observant.

"10 left's and 3 rights later, and we're here."

The Doctor playfully glared at him, "You couldn't have gotten hurt that badly, you can sass still."

Charlie laughed. When the Doctor stopped at a bed, Charlie jumped onto it.

The Doctor pulled out an alien contraption, and put it infront of Charlie's face, "Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit."

It then flashed directly into his eyes, "Ah!" he shouted, more out of shock than anything else.

After that, the Doctor waited for a moment, before frowning, "Do you have a headache? How about any pain? Is your vision blurred? Can-"

He kept asking more and more questions after using the device, so many, that Charlie was starting to feel more dizzy then when he got knocked out in the first place.

"I'm fine, at first, my vision was fuzzy, but, that was my glasses. And at first, it was dizzying to walk, but I didn't trip when we went around in circles, did I?"

"Suppose not." The Doctor muttered.

Charlie smiled, "I'm fine then, why were you so worked up though?"

"You may have a mild concussion. I should've known since it took so long for you to wake up, there was just so much going on and-"

Charlie cut him off, "Don't beat yourself up over it." He smiled, "Everyone survived. A bump to the head won't kill me, I'll take a good rest, drink some water, and be back at it again in time for our next adventure."

The Doctor pouted, "But, you shouldn't have gotten hurt. I should've figured out another way-"

"I would gladly get hurt to protect those I love. That's the most honorable reason to get hurt in my opinion."

"Yes but still, I-" He cut himself off when he finally processed all the information, "love?"

Charlie smiled, "Course! You think I flirt with just anyone?" Charlie hadn't meant to let that slip. He wasn't quite sure if it was in fact love, but considering he stated it without thinking too much about it, that's probably what it was.

Charlie hadn't ever loved someone before, he had crushes, and dated a few people. But, he never felt as comfortable with them as he did with the Doctor.

Maybe, because they had that chemistry.

Maybe, cause he had known the Doctor since he was little.

Maybe, just maybe, it was because he loved him, when he hadn't truly loved the others.

"It's why Rory and I got on so well, you know? We'd both do anything for those we loved and cared about. No matter what it cost us." Charlie smiled fondly.

He missed Rory.

He looked into the Doctor's eyes, and found them looking directly at him with amusement, awe, and something else.

Maybe, just maybe, Charlie had never had someone look at him with that kind of love and devotion before.

But, the Doctor couldn't say anything. He was 909 years old.

Charlie was human.

He and Rose had the same issues.

Charlie didn't even know about regeneration yet either.

And Charlie saw that too, "Its okay. Take your time, I've always been someone who got attached too quickly. One of my flaws." He smiled, truly none of his feeling hurt, but he did feel a bit awkward.

Maybe his head had been scrambled a bit too much.

"You and Amy should take the p to a planet, I'll get started on resting." Charlie left the room, doing the impossible.

He left the Doctor speechless.


The Doctor watched as Charlie walked away.

Charlie was a wonderful companion, and a truly interesting human being.

But... to love someone so quickly, especially at the risk of loosing so much wasn't a risk the Doctor was willing to take.

Not yet anyway.

He shook his head, releasing the thoughts, before heading to the Console where Amy was waiting.

Amy looked up, "I was wondering where you went to. Never know, could've found Zombies on the Tardis or something and left me out of all the fun."

The Doctor chuckled, "Nah, just went to check Charlie's head."

At the mention of her cousin, Amy jumped out of her seat, "Is he alright? We were so busy with Vincent and the Krafayis-"

"He's fine, sassy as ever. Just went to take a nap. We'll go and take the Krafayis to a nice planet where he can live a natural life."

Amy nodded and watched as the Doctor clumsily bounced around the console and flipped more levers and pressed more buttons then could possibly be necessary.

She didn't say anything about it aloud, only cheering in excitement when they landed on an alien planet.

The Doctor smiled as he opened the door, to reveal an area with wonderful waterfalls and tall, thick trees, "The perfect place for a carnivorous being to hunt and live out his final days."

He then went back with the Krafaris to help led him to the exit. When he felt the fresh air and the alien sun on his back, he released a happy roar and ran straight to the water.

Amy smiled as she watched her best friend cheer on the blind alien, happy to see that they were able to help someone live a longer better life.


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