Life Of Them

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Most of the time, travelling with the Doctor was scary:

"She's been murdered!"  "She's been ripped to shreds!"


Greek themes sprinkled in almost everything, the alien flowers and vines growing taller than some of the columns.


"Charlie!" The Doctor rushed over, his hands hot, and checked his pulse, "No."He couldn't find Charlie's pulse.


The brunette smiled, "And they have a shitty poker face." He turned to River, "Most of the people here are too honest, but you knew this. You just wanted my company."

fast paced:

Charlie snapped, "it was two years! I was in 1967 to 1969. I followed the Silence, I followed the FBI. I did my duty..."


"Yes, you do know me. You caught up faster than he did." She smiled, "I knew you were a bright one. That is why I led the Bad Wolf to you. Why I will led the Bad Wolf to you? No, why I introduced you to the Bad Wolf. Why the Doctor landed in that garden so long ago."


"I've never been threatened with a chair leg before." He paused, "No, hang on, I tell a lie."

and overall cool.

Some people didn't realize that is everything ordinary life is.

But what was ordinary?

Charlie never really knew ordinary, but from what Charlie knew from his Mother, ordinary was far more painful. Far slower. Far... less, then life with the Doctor.

Life just felt like there was so much more with him.

And it was perfect.


Life after the Doctor was scary:

"Rory!" Amy's eyes blazed with all the gingers fury.


Cameras flashed in the stark white room, Amy stood in the center, scowling, pouting. Rory watched as the love of his life did what made her happy.


"Rory!" Amy yelped as he drove his car in donuts, causing her to slide around in her mini skirt. Adrenaline pumping through her. She knew her driving was usually worse. So she laughed, and enjoyed the ride.


Amy and Rory laughed at River as they drank wine (or in Rory's case, a beer) as River told stories of whatever planet she went to. Anything to spend time with their grown daughter.


Rory was now a head Nurse, almost always on call, always busy. He felt like he was never home anymore.


Amy took up writing as a pass-time. She wasn't used to pass-times, but loved it. After all, she can't spend all day pouting at a camera.

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