Chapter four

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Draco's P.O.V
Hey dragon weird question do you know how to stop something bleeding

Wait what are you ok go to the hospital

I'm fine just wondering I slipped and cut my thigh on the corner of something.

If you're sure I have to go but please don't bleed out I like talking to you

I felt uneasy about his injury's but there was nothing I could do so I kept going about my day but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Harry's P.O.V
I was sitting on the bathroom floor my so called family where out but had not left before kicking me and shoving and some how managing to quite badly cut my leg. I was trying to stop the bleeding and it wasn't going that well.

Eventually I managed to stop the bleeding and go back to my room though I knew it would leave a scar there. I wish I was back at school at least there, there were teachers who stop it before it gets to bad.

Time skip to Monday
I was walking to school or rather limping to school thinking about how I was going to hide the cut knowing that if I got caught my uncle would punish me even worse. I made it to school and everything was ok though there was this one boy in my class that kept looking at my leg funny so I tired to avoid him as much as possible. I made it through the school day and was walking home when some of Dudley's gang round on me I also saw two others who where from the other gang at my school. They kicked me and beet me up for about 15 minutes before leaving. I made my own way home just wishing some relative would come and save me though I knew it would never happen.

When I got home I got punished for being late and had to extra chores but nothing to bad. When I made it back to my room I got a message from Dragon I really like talking to him and I don't know why but I trust him more than anyone I know, I mean Ron and Hermione know I don't get on with my family very much well, but not about the abuse.
Hi Raven I was just wondering what you would do if you thought one of your classmates was being abused.

It depends on how well you know them but if you are worried tell a teacher about it.

Ok I will think about it thanks for the advice bye


I lay back on my bed thinking about how amazing Dragon was, it was crazy I didn't even know who he was but I liked him in a kind of more than a friend way. I'm mean he is fun to talk to and he cares, but thinking about how he noticed that his classmate might be being abused made me worry what if one of my classmates noticed something? I lay there tossing and Turing till eventually I fell asleep.

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