last day of training

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Penny POV

I sat down to take a break from my agent training. 

I've had a specific, organized routine for 2 years. I wake up at 6:00, eat a healthy breakfast, workout from 8:00-10:00, take a nice hot shower, eat lunch, go to HQ to train and do school until 6:00, come home to eat dinner, then relax and get ready for bed. 

I live by myself in the old apartment me, Brain, and my uncle lived in. Uncle Gadget and Brain are retired and travel the world. They currently live in England. The amount of gifts and postcards they send me is overwhelming. I'm 17, almost 18, and fully capable of living by myself. They believe that, too.

Words can't describe how much they miss HQ, and me, of course. That's what they would always say. Uncle Gadget is very proud of how far I've come.

Speaking of HQ, I'm supposed to be getting back to work.

"Penny?" Chief Quimby walked in on me spacing out. I shook out of it. "How's your training going?" 

"Good, just taking a break," I reply. I put my head down in exhaustion.

"Well, I have good news for you," Quimby says seriously, but obviously delighted, "I'm promoting you to a full-time agent, no more training!" My eyes widen and I shoot my head up.

"Are you serious?" I said happily, "That's great news!" Quimby chuckled.

"Your first mission is to clean up your living space and create a new routine since you love doing that," He said in his mission voice, "Come to me when you've done that." He nodded and walked out of the room.

I was overjoyed. For the first time ever, I would be a real agent. 

The first thing I did was send Uncle Gadget a letter. He doesn't do phones, even though I tried so hard to help him like them. Anyway, I'll be expecting a response in a week or so. I put it in my mailbox on the way out of my complex.

As a second way to celebrate, I drove to the store, jamming out to my favorite tunes, to buy myself some treats. I went to get clothes, makeup, and some sweets. 

When I got there, I first got clothes and makeup and then I went to the food aisle.

I saw a familiar face there. 


I fiddled with my necklace. 

Talon POV

I had many years of training and today Uncle Claw finally let me resign from my training and resume being a MAD agent. Today I went out to get something nice for myself. 

I was at the store, in the snack and candy aisle, when I saw this beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes...

My mind was drawn to my enemy and former crush. I saw her fiddling with her necklace. 

My necklace. I made it many years ago for...


I turned away for a minute to gather my senses. Then I turned back around to at least say something to her, but when I turned around she was gone.

the necklace (talon x penny)Where stories live. Discover now