Chapter 1

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Authors note: Hope you'll like this, I'm not english but I'll try my best writing this. And becouse I'm bad at it Merida won't have an accent. Sorry.

Meridas POV

I'm sitting leaned against my locker. I'm so bored. I live kind of far away and have to take the buss. Yeah, I'm sixten without a car. As an consequence of that I can't have my Thursday sleepmorning like everybody else and I need to wait here like an hour before class starts. The hallways are completly empty exept one more. It's a boy in my class named Hiccup. I have never really spoked to him, and when I think about it: no one else has either. He always avoid people and always looks down in a leather covered book. But I'm not blind. I have seen pepole punch and bully him countless of times so I do get if he wants to be alone. Or maybe he just don't have another choice. I look at the small scars covering his face and one huge bruise on his swollen eye all the way to his chin. It is a thick layer of concealer over it but the screaming blue come throw. Suddenly I notice he is watching back at me: Just for a moment before he blush and walk away with his leather book. I sigh and don't think about it anymore. I open my bag and starts to listen to rock music throw my headphones. It wasn't so bad here after all. I didn't need to take care of my three younger brothers. My parents was always working. My dad was a hunter, mostly bears and my mum was a teacher. That leaves me with the triplets.

After a while the bell rings and everyone walks in. I feel someone walking slightly in to me and I turn around. Hiccup stands there with a terrified look on the face and then he quickly walks to the corner of the room. What was his deal?

I looked down at my phone. My mom messaged me that she would work over and that I need to come straight home. I sighed. I just want some more freedome and time for friends. Well if I would have friends.

Hiccup's POV

I put my books on the scribbled table and felt a small blush. I walked early to school this morning becouse my dad was drunk and he had hit me in the face. I quickly put concealer over it so nobody would se and ran away from home. I came here and started draw but I noticed Merida looking at me. No, not her to. I didn't want another bullie and specially NOT HER. I knew she had quite a temper and was the strongest girl in class with boxing lessons but that wasn't the reason I didn't want her to bullie me. I had a secret crush on Merida but I refuse to let anyone now that. But who would I tell? My mother had abandoned me as a child and my father... I shivered at the though. I was his disapointment, he wanted an extra large boy with beafy arms and glory on the side but I am nothing else than a talking fishbone. So he hated me. He punched me for being who I am and whatever I do I will screw it up. And then comes the punishment. My dad is huge and strong so he often go overbord with the kicks and hits. I had looked down at the floor to stay away from attention and to hide my latest bruise. (That one I got when I forgot to buy milk.) I walk in to a person and could only think here comes a hit when I saw it was Merida. But she didn't do something. I let out a sigh of relief and went back to dodeling. I hope things will get better soon couse I'm not sure I can keep it up much longer.

Jack's POV

I come in to the classroom five minutes late. It give me a glare from the teacher but he dosn't say someting becouse he is used to me coming late. I walk towards my girlfriend Rapunzel and kiss her on the cheek.

"You're late" she whispers.

"It's not entirely my fault" I whisper back. She looks at me with confused green eyes. I think back at the morning. I had gone up early to walk my little sister Emma to school. Then I had dropped her of and went back home to help my mother. I will just say it straight: ever since dad died we haven't had a lot of money. My mom hurted her back in the accident that took him two years ago. She was a writer so she just did work from home but I needed to take care of her and help her with all the household work. She had this morning fallen out of her chair so I stayed to help her and therefor I was late. But I didn't want to tell Punzie that. I was one of the most popular boys in school but nobody know I'm poor and not even my girlfriend have been in my house or met my mother. I know it sounds stupid but I'm really ashamed over how we live. I didn't answer Rapunzel and just pretended to be really interessted in the lesson even though I didn't get something at all. School was hard for me and even tho I'm popular it feels like I can't really trust anyone. It all just feels... Fake.

All I could think about was, man, I hope things will change.

Rapunzel's POV

I look at Jack. I knew why he didn't want to tell me. My adoptive mother Gothel is the richest in town and she knows almost everything. She don't want me to be with Jack becouse she knows his poor situation. Gothel have through the years stopped me from being with different people mostly becouse of their parents being trouble in the business world.

I obeyed my mother so I don't have any friends: But Jack was different. I will not stop seeing him. So I keep Jack a secret for Mother but I hadn't told Jack why becouse it would make him upset so I didn't push him about why he was late. I look down at my knees. I loved my mother but she barely let me out the house except for school and I can never be with who I want. I just want to be free enough to make some friends. But I'm a dreamer and everything I can do is hope to things to change.

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