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Iwaizumi paused mid step, heart clenching at the sound of his name leaving his boss' mouth. He turned on his heel, addressing him fully, "Yes Irihata-san?"

Irihata glanced down at his watch, "Could you stay behind? I would like to have a conversation with you."

Iwaizumi felt his heart stall, "Of course, sir."

He could feel Daichi and Suga's eyes on him as everyone slowly filed out of the room. Once they were gone Irihata sat back down with a sigh, "I know the past three hours were tough for everyone. Sorry to make you stay."

Iwaizumi regarded him with what he hoped was a level expression, "What can I do for you Irihata-san?"

Irihata motioned to a seat and Iwaizumi found himself sitting in it without thought. Irihata laced his fingers together and stared at Iwaizumi. His gaze was neither disarming or hostile. "We find ourselves in a bit of a bind."

Iwaizumi blinked at him. He was already desperately aching to have a cigarette in his mouth.

Irihata dropped one of his hands, allowing his mouth to relax and gaze to float around Iwaizumi's face a little. His voice unraveled a bit and took on a more casual tone, "I've noticed the past couple months your work output has been a little slower than usual."

Iwaizumi felt his eyes growing large before he could even think to control his face.

Irihata chuckled, "Not that it's an issue. Frankly your pace was always a little terrifying to me--" Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow, and Irihata continued, "but I'm going to need you to regain that ethic again for me for this next project. Or rather, I need you to exceed it."

Now Iwaizumi was furrowing his brow, "Next project, sir? I don't have a new author..."

Irihata sighed, "Our sister publisher up north is responsible for one of the most popular authors of the past few years. She's a handful."


"And she's very picky. She just finished a manuscript-- well behind schedule, if I might add-- and then blew up in their office and fired her editor. She refuses to work with him any longer."


"Or anyone in that office, for that matter. Her editor, who was in your position, quit shortly after."

Iwaizumi swallowed hard.

Irihata allowed his head to roll back on his shoulders, "She's a fan of one of your main clients. She requested to work with you, specifically. Well," Irihata laughed dryly to himself, "I say request, but when it's her it's more like a demand."

Iwaizumi's eyes fluttered, "I'm flattered, really, but I wasn't going to take on any new clients--"

"I know," Irihata said, "and honestly I would fight her more on the issue if I thought anyone else in the office could get this done on time and correctly other than you."

Iwaizumi's lips pursed shut.

"Listen," Irihata said, "You department is overloaded. I get it. But we need this client, and this client needs you." He laced his fingers back together again, "I know this is going to involve a lot of unpleasant things. You'll practically be living in the office. She was behind to begin with and the gap grows larger every day. But I wouldn't ask you to do it if I didn't think you could."

Iwaizumi knew he wasn't really asking at all. He appreciated the courtesy of it, anyway.

"Well you know what I'm going to say," Iwaizumi answered simply.

Irihata smiled, warm and confident.

"But I'll need a few interns to take some of the easier labor off my editors because I'll need their help."

"Whatever you need is fine."

"Thank you." Iwaizumi moved to stand.

"And Iwaizumi-kun."

Iwaizumi paused, looking down at Irihata who had fallen back into a level stare.

"I know you've been allowing yourself some slack. But you regaining your pacing for this is important."

Iwaizumi felt his stomach drop, guilt and dread eating away at his gut.

"If we're successful with this, it will mean greater opportunities for everyone."

Iwaizumi's voice didn't leave his throat as strong as he would have liked, "Yes sir."

"I'll send you everything you need when I get the full package tonight. You'll have it on your desk bright and early tomorrow morning."

"Thank you sir."

Iwaizumi left the conference room, but instead of heading back to his office he climbed the stairs to the roof.

He settled against the fence, pants scraping against the concrete where he sat. He pulled out a cigarette and inhaled it like it was his life's essence, the burn of smoke searing down his throat and through his lungs. He tried to disperse his thoughts into the open air, tried to clear his head and find his balance.

Slower than usual.

Iwaizumi heaved smoke from his nose, the gray puffs twirling around his face and up into the wind. He felt his phone buzz in the pocket of his pants.

Allowing yourself some slack.

He brought the cigarette back to his lips with shaky fingers. The tip flared orange in response to his inhale.

Iwaizumi pulled out his phone and flipped it open to see a text from Oikawa,

>> Iwa-chan! My boss has me running a lot of errands today so I might be a tiny bit late for dinner with the Sales Duo! But I'll be there I swear~~ I should only be running a little behind schedule. I can't wait to see you and get Refreshing-kun wasted~~

Iwaizumi closed his phone and pressed his forehead against his knees.

Regaining your pace.

Guilt crept up through Iwaizumi's fingers. He felt it crawl up his spine and along his jaw, gnashing his teeth together as he squeezed his eyes closed.

Iwaizumi didn't deal with disappointment well. He didn't do well with not living up to expectations. He wanted to exceed all the time, every time, no exceptions. And while he heard the compliments at the forefront of the conversation, while he could audibly make out the praise and trust Irihata was directing at him, his mind was clinging to those words. The echoes of "job kind of well done" and "you need to improve for this client."

But that wasn't the worst part.

In the past, Iwaizumi would bury himself in his work. That's what he wanted; that's the only way he knew how to feel better. He would come back and absolutely destroy whatever was put in front of him. He would, for better or worse, drive expectations of himself even higher with an outstanding performance.

Iwaizumi lifted his hand and inhaled on the cigarette that had been burning on its own in the wind.

That's not what he wanted this time.

This time he just wanted to bury his face in Oikawa's hair and watch bad sci fi movies.

Iwaizumi's phone buzzed in his pocket. Oikawa again.

>> I'm really bothered by the way cows chew.

Iwaizumi stared at his phone. He stared at it a long time.

>> I mean, doesn't it hurt your jaw just looking at it?

Oh my God.

>> Llamas too.


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