𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 33

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Iwaizumi stared at the email on his screen. Of course. Of course.

He leaned back in his chair and sighed. Iwaizumi couldn't decide if he was glad he had locked in a relationship with Oikawa before all this shit started so it would be harder for him to escape, or if he felt guilty because the moment they started dating it became half assed impossible to see each other.

Maybe both. Probably both.

Iwaizumi had thought he would be able to get out semi-early tonight, but this email from Irihata-san definitely stated otherwise.

He had told Oikawa he would be able to see him tonight. They were going to stay at Oikawa's place and Iwaizumi was going to take an early train to--

Iwaizumi stared down at his phone. He had to tell him. He should tell him now, or three minutes ago, because the sooner the better.

Iwaizumi glared down at his phone as he typed the message. He hit send and then rested his head in his hands. He was going to be mad. He was going to be upset, and he was going to resent him, and he was going to want to leave because he's tired of the shit and who could blame him this was all out of hand and when's the last time he did laundry or cooked what day was it anyway maybe if he kowtowed--

Iwaizumi's phone started ringing.

"Iwaizumi," he answered miserably without even looking to see who it was.

"Are you freaking out Iwa-chan? I can practically feel the angst radiating off you from here."

Iwaizumi buried his face in his arm, "I'm sorry."

"It's no big deal. Hey, you're almost done! We'll be out of this soon enough."

Iwaizumi groaned.

"I need you to not have flashbacks from your previous relationships. Oikawa Tooru is far superior to all of them."

Iwaizumi felt himself manage a small smile, "He's okay."

"Iwa-chan, you are so mean. I can hear you smiling you know."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Oikawa sighed, "In any case, don't worry about this. Just focus on crossing the finish line."

"You're right."

There was a pause. "Can... can you say that again?"

"Trash-kawa, I will kick your ass."

"Fine, see how I'm treated for being a caring boyfriend."

Iwaizumi shook his head even though he knew Oikawa couldn't see it.

"I'll let you get back to work now. But don't get all depressed! You can do it!"

Iwaizumi huffed a laugh through his nose, "Thanks."

After he hung up Iwaizumi decided he deserved a small break, because it was going to be a long and late night. He left his desk to wander down the hallway. When he knocked on the doorframe of the open office, Daichi lifted his eyes with a smile.

"Yeah, I saw your name on that email," he said, already opening a drawer and withdrawing two glasses.

Iwaizumi sighed, "And here I thought I would get an early night."

Daichi chuckled as he pulled the cap off the bottle of whiskey, "We all did."

Iwaizumi closed the door behind him and glanced around the office, "I don't see you use this office often."

"Yeah," Daichi agreed, dark amber liquid sliding from the bottle into a glass, "It didn't get much use until..." Daichi paused, then blinked. "Never mind."

Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes in confusion, but decided to let it go. "I didn't know you were a whiskey guy."

Daichi shrugged, "I don't drink often enough to really develop a taste for anything, but every now and then I can appreciate something like this." He picked up a glass and handed it to Iwaizumi.

"Thank you," he said, taking it appreciatively.

"So was Oikawa upset?"


Daichi smiled as he picked up his glass, "I'm assuming you were going to see Oikawa tonight, or you wouldn't even bother to care about having to stay late."

Iwaizumi shrugged his shoulders. Apparently he was becoming very easy to read. "He didn't seem upset. He called me to specifically say he wasn't upset. Made some bad humored jokes and tried to cheer me up."

Daichi leaned his head back on his shoulders, "You can't overestimate the power of a supportive partner."

"Yeah," Iwaizumi agreed, "it's one of the things that makes him so easy to l--" Iwaizumi froze.

Daichi stared at him, wide eyed.

Iwaizumi was still staring blankly at the wall. His fingers shook around his glass. Finally he moved to sit down, coughing the words, "Jesus Christ," and heavily setting his drink on the desk.

Daichi sat across from him, pouring more whiskey in his glass.

They both tipped the liquid into their mouths in understanding silence.

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