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"Everything looks fine, just a few cuts and scrapes," Sam reassured. Darryl smiled and was about to get up when he was pushed back down to his seat, Clay's strong hands were placed on his shoulders. Darryl contemplated trying to escape Clays grasp but he had a very firm grip and he knew that if he even attempted to escape it, nothing good would come from it. "Darryl, what happened? Why were you away for so long?" Clay stood in front of Darryl with confronting look in his eyes, his hand still tightly gripped on Darryls shoulders. Darryl stared at his feet then sighed, "While I was getting fish... I... broke through the ice and almost drowned..."  Clay and George looked at each other, "that's why you were away for so long?" George questioned. "Well... about that... I was saved,"
"By who?" Clay and George asked simultaneously. "Zak, From the Ponto clan,"
"The leader of the Ponto clan?"
"Yeah, he saved me and kept me warm with fire until I woke up. Then we had to escape the cave and a drip infected wolf,"
"A drip infected wolf you say?"
"Yeah." Clay shook his head and let go of Darryl he turned to George and they both began to talk about something but all Darryl could hear were murmurs. He got up and left the room.

Zak walked through the snowy fields when he saw two people riding horses towards him. He squinted trying to make out who the figures were, one was wearing a long scarf and the other was wearing a hoodie. Vurb and Mega. Zak ran towards the two. Once close enough their horses quickly halted, they jumped off and sped towards Zak. Finally seeing his friends again after almost losing his life, he engulfed them in a hug. The moment was quickly ruined by Mega backhanding Zak, "What the fuck was that for??" He shouted. Mega signed something but Zak and Vurb just stood their confused, "Mega, I only know the basics of sign language and you are yet to teach Vurb," Mega sighed and grabbed a stick from the ground next to him, You better have a good explanation for this! Zak snickered to himself, "Yes, yes I will explain... when we get back to base."

"ZAK! WHAT THE HELL DUDE?" Zelk shouted as Zak laughed nervously. "Where were you?" What were you doing?"
"Well, I was going for a stroll when I saw someone eating by the lake,"
"ooo! Was it a girl?" Zak eyed Vurb which immediately made him look to the ground. "No Vurb, it was not a girl. It was someone from the Drøm clan," Mega scoffed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, he then signed something. "What did he say?"
"He says that he doesn't like the Drøm clan too much because they think that they are better than most of the surrounding clans." Harvey nodded but Zak simply rolled his eyes and continued with his story, "anyway he started to drown in the lake so I helped him and took us to shelter where we then fought a drip infected wolf,"
"Haven't seen one of those in a long time," Finn said curiously. "So are you and this... Drøm member friends now?" George questioned with a raised eyebrow, "No, no... it was a one-off thing. He told me that he was thankful but that I shouldn't come back onto the Drøm clans land." Zak lied. He didn't want them to know about this friendship he had with a different clan. George nodded something and turned away, "Of course," he mumbled to himself as he exited through the main door.

An hour later George and Clay approached Darryl, "Say, Halo, are you friends with... Zak?" Halo thought for a bit then shook his head. "Of course not, he did save my life but he was trespassing on Drøm land!" Clay nodded and smiled, "Ok. Good to know." As the two walked off Darryl sighed, he hated lying but he had too. Most of his clan thought that the Pontos was a very immature clan and wouldn't last an hour in war, which caused Darryl to think that he would be heavily judged by his friendship outside of the clan.

Stop lying to me {A skephalo love story}Where stories live. Discover now