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"Blade?" Clay questioned as techno stood up, grasping his mask. Before he knew it, Clay knocked the mask out of his hand with his sword. "What are you doing? Why did you never go back?! They all missed you!" Blade had a devilish smile on his face, "If they really missed me then they would have searched harder!" He stood up, facing Clay now. Veins all over his face were visible and black whilst the irises of his bloodshot eyes had turned a deep shade of red, the colour of blood. "Blade- What happened to you-," Clay muttered but was suddenly interrupted by Blade lunging towards him, sword in hand. Clay grunted as he blocked Blade. "Why won't you listen to me!?"
"Because people change Clay! They always do!" Insanity filling his voice.

The rest of the group struggled with the numerous creatures, it seemed like they would never stop coming to the room. Once they would get rid of one it felt like two more would appear. Darryl grabbed Zak's hand and pulled him to the side, "Zak please! Wake up! We miss you!" He placed a hand on the younger boy's face and stared at him longingly. His breath slowed as he moved his head closer towards his friend's. His lover. His lips touched Zak's and they both stood there, embracing it for a couple solid seconds. Once he pulled away Darryl expected Zak's expression to change, to something less monotone. Zak opened his eyes looked up at the older boy, he clenched his fist, preparing for a fight. Darryl noticed but was too late to react, Zak punched Darryl as hard as he could in the stomach. Darryl fell to the floor and looked up at Zak, he had the same monotone expression. Getting up he wiped the blood from his mouth, "Zak..." he murmured. Zak struck again this time hitting him just below his lungs, knocking all the air out of him. As Darryl struggled on the floor Zak picked up a blade that was covered in the black substance. Darryl looked up into Zak's eyes. He would die to his lover, the person he trusted more than anything, the person he wished he could have done so much more with. His heartbeat became faster with each step Zak took. Finn noticed this and threw Darryl a sword, it landed beside him and he quickly picked it up, just in time to block Zak's attack.

Clay and Blade continued fighting, in the process, Blade happened to turn his back towards Clay momentarily. Beneath his long braid, Clay noticed a strange leach like creature on his neck. A black liquid, which he presumed was infected blood, was seeping from it and the veins surrounding it had become very clearly visible. Clay now made his every move to try and get Blade to face away from him so he could remove it. As they continued Blade cornered Clay up against a wall, with one swift lunge he stabbed Clay's thigh, making him shout in agony. Blade simply laughed, "I wish to cause you as much pain as possible before I kill you," he snickered. Leaning on his right leg, Clay quickly grabbed his sword and placed it horizontally on Dave's back, making him unable to escape. "NICK NOW!" He shouted, Nick, confused at first, ran over. Looking at Blade he clenched the sword handle. "No! Pull that parasite out of him," Blade grunted and Nick hesitated then pulled it out. He threw it to the floor then stomped on it until it was simply mush.

All the creatures immediately fell back and retreated. Just as Zak was about to pierce Darryl in the heart, his eyes turned back to their original brown colour. A look of sorrow and regret formed on his face, then he collapsed. Clay threw Blade to the ground, his breaths slowed as he looked up at Clay, "Tell us everything," Clay demanded.

Stop lying to me {A skephalo love story}Where stories live. Discover now