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Hellooooo, long time no speak! This was a story I wasn't actually planning on putting out but I've written so much and i don't want it to be for nothing aha ! I hope you all enjoy this x

15 year old Joe was making a name for himself. Starting a YouTube channel only at 14, and now having over 1 million subscribers, he had become very popular. He was still in school and he was the schools 'it' boy if you would say. All the girls fancied him, but most of them only because of his following. He was single, he wanted to find the right person, not just someone who wanted fame.

Dianne, 14 years old, had just moved from Australia to the UK as she had been offered a dance opportunity at a well known dance school in the UK, which had connections with shows such as burn the floor and strictly come dancing. She would be starting at her local high school in Wiltshire, where she was now living, tomorrow and she was looking forward to it, obviously a bit nervous, but looking forward to it mostly. She had missed a year of school when she was 13-14 in Australia as she did a world dance tour, which is what got her into the new dance school and she hadn't been back until starting this new one, so she was obviously a bit worried about being behind.

The first day

"Dot, you'll be fine. Just be your confident self and focus on your work." Her mum, Rina, told her as she dropped her off at the entrance of the school. Dianne nodded and walked into the reception area.
"Hello, you must be Dianne Buswell?" The receptionist asked, the redhead nodded. "Fantastic, well welcome Dianne. Your head of year, Mr Ball will be down in a bit to meet you and have a chat. You'll be going into year 10 correct?"
"To be honest, I have no clue, I think year 10, yeah, it's different in Australia." Dianne laughed.
"I'll check for you." She said, looking at the system. "Yeah year 10. Oh look here's Mr Ball. Sir, this is Dianne Buswell, the new student." She said, the male walked over to Dianne.
"Hello Dianne, if you follow me, we'll go and chat in my office." He said, Dianne nodded, she thanked the receptionist and followed the teacher to an office about 2 minutes away.

"So Dianne, I'm your head of year, Mr Ball, I also teach Drama here so if you've taken drama you'll have me, if not you'll only see me really in assembly, I do come and visit the forms often so you'll see me then aswell." He said, Dianne nodded. "If I'm correct, you've just moved from Australia."
"Yeah, 2 weeks ago we moved. I mean, I've not really been in Australia the last year really." She told him.
"Oh yes, you missed a year of school right? What was the reason for that if you don't mind me asking." He asked.
"Yeah I missed a year, I went on a world tour with a dance company. I mean I still did bits of work, my old school sent me stuff to do but I didn't have loads of time coz it was show after show." She told him.
"Wow, that's amazing. So I'm guessing your an incredible dancer. I'm guessing that's the reason behind the red hair. It wouldn't normally be allowed but if I put down it's for work it will be fine."
"Yeah, well I never got told to dye it but I did and then it's kind of become part of me. It's what I'm known for in the dance world now." Dianne told him.
"Okay, I'll allow it and I'll explain to the head and your form tutor don't worry. Anyway, we've put you in middle sets for everything just to see where you are. Your going to be in Miss Adams form, it's a lovely form. I'll take you up now so you can meet her before the rest of the form get there."


"Guys, theirs a new kid starting!" Jack said as he met up with his friend group in the canteen.
"How do you know?" Oli asked him.
"I saw her in reception with Mr Ball, so she's our year I'm guessing. She's really fit!" Hack said.
"Jack! Don't be rude, you don't even know the girl, you've seen the back of her, that's all." Joe told his best friend.
"Yeah and it was fit, shes quite small, long wavy red hair, not ginger, like felt tip red. She had an accent that I heard when I walked past, dunno what it was though, I'm not good at those things." He said.
"Well we'll probably meet her, she'll probably be in my form, seeing as we're the smallest one." Joe said. In his friend group their was himself, Caspar, Oli, Josh, Jack, Conor, Mikey, Byron, Ambar, Evie, Eleanor (Ellie), Toff and Emily.

When the bell went, Joe headed off to form with Byron and Toff who were both in his form. When they got to form, Joe saw the new girl stood talking to his form tutor. He always dreaded it when someone new started, incase they already knew about him from his YouTube. He like it when people had no clue who he was.
"Everyone, this is Dianne, she'll be joining our form. Dianne is from Australia and has just moved over here. Dianne you can go and sit next to Toff as she had a space next to her, Toff wave." Miss Adams said, Toff waved and Dianne walked over.

"Hi." She said quietly.
"Hiya, I'm Toff. Well my actual name is Georgia Toffolo but everyone calls me Toff." Toff said as she showed Dianne what to write down in her planner.
"Ahh, well I'm Dianne, I have many nicknames but I'd just stick with Dianne." She said laughing slightly.
"Those two idiots are 2 of my friends, you could join our group if you want." Toff said as she pointed towards Joe and Bryon.
"Thank you. That would be great."
"No problemo at all. Let's see your timetable, we might have some of the same lessons. What sets you in? Do you know?" Toff asked.
"They've put me in middle ones to see what to do with me, they have no information coz I missed a whole year in Australia so I'll probably be a bit behind." She said as she handed Toff her timetable.
"Oh gosh, I won't ask why if you don't wanna go into it don't worry. And we have pretty much everything together, when you have art I have media, I think Joes in that art. Your in my dance, which we have next." Toff told her.
"Ah that's good. And it's nothing bad why I missed a whole year  don't worry, I won't go into it as it's a long story. Anyways, dance next That's good. Who out of your friends do it?" She asked.
"Just me, Ambar and Evie. Their really nice. Ambars a dancer so she's good at the lesson, me and Evie aren't that good." Toff laughed. "Do you dance?"
"Yeah, ballroom and Latin. And then the odd bit of other styles, Contemporary, jazz, a bit of ballet and tap. But mainly ballroom and Latin." Dianne said.
"Wow, I didn't think anyone in the class does them. That's really cool. That's the bell, we should go now." Toff said, Dianne got up and followed her to the changing rooms where she got changed and they headed into the hall.

"Mrs Brown, this is Dianne, shes new." Toff said as she walked over to the teacher.
"Oh hello Dianne, your a dancer aren't you? It says on your form." Mrs Brown said.
"Yeah, I do ballroom and Latin." Dianne said.
"No, I mean your an actual dancer, like professional aren't you?" She asked, Dianne nodded her head slightly.
"What!" Toff shouted.
"Georgia inside voice please, go and find Ambar and Evie while I finish talking to Dianne." The teacher said, Toff nodded and walked over to her friends. "So yeah your a professional, this will probably be easy for you but it will be good to have someone who picks everything up and does it right straight away." She said, Dianne nodded before heading over to Toff and 2 other girls that she was guessing were Ambar and Evie.
"Guys this is Dianne, shes new and I've said she can join the group!" Toff said.
"Oh god yeah! Hi Dianne I'm Ambar, I don't mean to offend you or anything, but it will be great not being the smallest in the group anymore." Ambar said making Dianne laugh.
"Oh don't worry it's fine, I'm tiny." Dianne said. They spoke for a bit before starting the lesson.

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