jiheon x male reader- fromis_9

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genre: fluff
prompt: (Y/N) and his group got a chance on performing their debut song. Little did he know, he got a chance to talk with their bias, Baek Jiheon
warning: nothing
requested: yes. thank u sm


Coming from an unknown company, landing a chance on performing a debut showcase is a miracle. The manager of their group trying so hard to appeal their group, almost begging them to be in the show worked well and now they are waiting their own waiting rooms, nervously waiting for them to perform.

As (Y/N) was the first one to finish with the makeup and styling, the only thing they need to do is practice on their own, trying not to break any sweat as their makeup artist will scold them if even the slightest smudge appears.

- Should I do this, or do this?

(Y/N) asks their leader, who was getting his own makeup done, about his solo part.

- Either way works. You do know that you were known for having great facials, right? Why do you need to ask me this?

- Because I'm nervous? What if I make a fool out of myself in the stage?

- You won't. Just go your best, (Y/N).

(Y/N) sighs as he plops down to the couch and sees that his favorite group, fromis_9, is performing their new comeback, Feel Good.

- Might as well take a break.

He whispered to himself. His heart beating fast because of the exhaustion as he tried to calm himself down but seeing Jiheon made his heart jump more as he looked at her in awe.

As fromis_9 performace was done, their group name was called to perform.

- Let's go

Their manager said as all of them stood up and waited in line while their set was being prepared.

While they were waiting, (Y/N) couldn't help but admire Jiheon from a distance. Call him creepy if you want, but her standing there made his heart swell.

Fromis_9 was walking the his direction and all of a sudden, he became confidence and wanted to ask Jiheon for her number.

- Uh, hello.

(Y/N) asked Jiheon.

- Hi?

As she met his eyes, he suddenly froze and couldn't speak. His confidence before were long gone. After a few seconds.

- Do you need something?

- Uh, uhm.

His mistake was not even thinking what he was about to ask.

- It's my goal to befriend every people in my age so, would you wanna be friends with me?

He made a blatant lie just to get her attention but it seemed to work out.

- I'd love to!

Jiheon smiled and he swore he saw her eyes shining. Another reason for him to fall in love with her more.

- So, can I get your number?


thats it. so sorry i took so long i was so lazy to do it lmao .im usually more comfortable in making a fic gxg, so i dont know if i did it right but i think it was requested as a male reader so i made the pronouns he. anyways, thank you for requesting, please vote and comment. you could request someone (preferably gxg) and their plot in the comments.


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