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Gojo Satoru was a gifted child. He had been born by special eyes and the blood needed to become a special sorcerer. That was why several families use most of their time and resources to build a connection with the five year old.

Most of his free time consists of mingling with adults that he didn't know personally. They were like a bunch of dogs fighting over a single piece of meat.

Because that single piece of meat was Gojo Satoru, they put aside using violent means and decided to use their glib tongues and fake smiles to win him over.

Gojo Satoru had found out how egocentric humans could be. They used everything, including degrading themselves and those around them just to get in his good graces. They wanted their gifts, their visits, to be remembered by Satoru so that when a time comes, they could ask(use) him as they pleased.

As he grew, he began to learn how to read people. Their gazes which they thought hid their greed, had been exposed. Their smiles so sweet it would fool a normal child, had long been seen as a smirk. They kept trying not knowing its all for naught.

That's why the moment he saw that gaze, he felt love, or attachment. He had no way of knowing which it was, but it was so quick and fleeting, like being pricked but at the same time tickled softly by a warm wind.

Karia had a look of disregard. Or rather, it was more of a gaze that looks at everything and sees everything as though it was below them. They had that arrogance that they were better and stronger than anything that would stand in front of them, yet at the same time it held that adoring gaze as they took in the world around them.

When Karia looked at him, he had been seen as only Satoru. Only him. It was a childish reason full of dreams and fantasy, but that was what Gojo Satoru had felt when he met Karia.

The moment that Karia disappeared, he first felt panicked because he had just placed himself in an agreement that had a high percentage of him losing.

Then the fear kicked in at the thought that he would fail and lose the chance of seeing Karia again. After a few moments, he began to think of a solution. He remembered all of Karia's words and analyzed them one by one, because that's all he could do right nowー that's all that he had to be counted as a clue of what he needed to do.

Satoru remembered that Karia mentioned he had Karia mentioned how having his eyes was cheating. That they would find it hard to hide because of his eyes.

And so Gojo Satoru went home. Then went straight to their library, and read, and read.

He read, and read, and read, many many books to the point where the library had books that looked like it had fallen off their shelves. The books left trails on what Satoru was doing. Books lines up, be it stacked up or juts plain thrown away, they all were left behind once he had finished reading.




He had to find out.

He had to learn.



Before his time runs out.

As he left trails of books in his wake. As people had begun worrying of his actions. As he began to miss some of his meals and eat only once a day. As sleep became his enemy.

Gojo Satoru didn't stop.

He had five months left.


Very different from the busy Gojo Satoru, Karia was lounging in different places in town. They had also found out that other spirits were scared of going close to him, those that would was weak enough to not notice the large cursed energy that Karia holds.

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