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It took Gojo Satoru six months to finally get a feel of Karia's cursed energy because it was hidden to the point that it felt like a small candle in a bunch of campfires. Even though Karia's cursed energy was large, it was skillfully hidden and made it harder for Satoru to pinpoint where they were exactly.

He had failed multiple times seeing as he caught a whiff of Karia's cursed energy, only to be met with a small residue left. It was hard to follow the faint trail of the cursed energy, one small misstep would bring him back to square one.

That was why when he knocked on a seemingly normal household, Gojo Satoru was nervous. Especially since it was already mid-November. He had, at most, a month left till the deadline. He didn't want to fail.

Wasuke wondered on who would visit at such time. He rarely had visitors, though at some days persistent house to house advertising salarymen swung by.

"Who the heck is it at this time of the year..." Wasuke grumbled as his rest time was bothered by the knock. Karia was also curious and worried that Wasuke might have attracted another curse.

Karia had noticed that old people tend to be targeted by curses. It might have been because of their decreasing vitality or life force, but they wanted to stick to humans of old age. If not for Karia's countermeasure, Wasuke would have already had several curses that would stick to him and give him bad karma.

Wasuke opened his front door, and was surprised to see no one there. Well, he thought no one was there until he looked down. A child bearing white hair and blue eyes stood out there, a foreigner he thought due to the unique appearance.

Karia who saw who it was, flinched at the sight of Gojo Satoru. They didn't feel frightened or surprised, they already expected that they would be found sooner or later. It was just that unsettling stare that Satoru was directing at them as soon as they were noticed. It made him feel a bit guilty.

"What do you want, kid? You lost?" Wasuke's tone was harsh but Satoru looked unaffected.

Gojo Satoru lightly smiled and walked through the door as if he was already invited in. Walking past a surprised Wasuke and jumping in the arms of Karia.

"I found you." Satoru said as he nuzzled close to Karia. Seeing what has happened, Wasuke sent a questioning gaze at Karia, the latter sighed and nodded, gesturing that they knew the kid.

Karia already set up some protective talismans close to Wasuke, so he could leave any time.

"Looks like I need to, well... go home. Wasuke should take care. I'll visit again from time to time." Hearing what Karia said, Satoru peeked from his position to look at the old man. He felt no innate cursed energy or anything that would make the old man a sorcerer. Only a normal human, and yet he was able to see Karia.

"Your promise." Satoru looked at Karia with pleading eyes. Karia knew what the child meant.

"Yes yes, I know." Karia sighed and glanced at Wasuke apologetically.

"Hmpf. Go on already, no need to concern yourself with this old man." Wasuke closed his front door and went back to lounge in his living room.

Karia placed a hand on Satoru's head and blinked away from the house. It only took a second for them to appear outside up in the sky. Teleportation had been a tricky thing in the past, but now they could do it whenever they wanted.

"I did say I would stay with you until the year ends. But the people around you might not like that." Karia knew that he could pose as a human. Pretending to be a human was an easy task, the problem lies if the people around Satoru would accept his existence near their big  piece of treasure meat.

Curse | 呪縛 | Jujutsu KaisenWhere stories live. Discover now