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Masamichi Yaga was one of the highest grade sorcerer in his generation. That was why he had many connections especially when it comes to other high ranking people, specifically elders of different clans.

He had been assigned on a mission, or most likely a task. Calling it a mission would be inappropriate since the elders had no plans of giving him any rewards. If there was, then it would be a measly title of being 'the teacher of the kid who possessed the six eyes' is all.

But he had no complaints, or rather he cannot show reluctance since he would receive a huge grudge from people who would willingly become the teacher of such a special child.

As for any concern, it would be the several warnings he had received from other sorcerers about the child that stuck close to Gojo Satoru.

They said that with one word from that child, the victim of his would experience unlucky events, but not life threatening. It was just to the point where it would affect a person's daily routine, accompanied with the aftereffects of paranoia towards falling objectsー especially bird poop.

Yaga was received well at the residence that was given by the clans for Gojo Satoru. The maids he saw along the way were familiar faces he saw back at the academy, their skills ranging from low grade to average grade sorcerersー those with mediocre abilities.

"....noooo, I don't want to...!" As the maids were leading him to the room he would meet Gojo, Yaga heard a distant voice of a youngster.

The maid flinched and issued an apologetic look towards Yaga. No explanation was given as the maids only bowed and moved at the side of the hallway, gesturing for Yaga to proceed in the room.

"Sucks to be you, but you have to." Another voice of a child said and was followed with a series of the same bemoaning. Yaga concluded that the one protesting was Gojo Satoru, since he was only tasked to instruct Gojo and not mind the other child.

"But, but I'm a genius, I don't need teachers." Yaga's hands stopped above the door's handle when he heard that. Just like how it was written and how he was informed by the elders, Gojo was a confident child indeed.

"Genius or not, your still getting a teacher." The voice of the other child sounded and Yaga felt a bit better. If only he had a choice, then he would rather teach the well-mannered kid than the genius.

"Masamichi Yaga, please enter." Yaga flinched when he heard the voice of the other child invite him inside. The weird thing was that they knew his name.

Deciding to ignore any musings, Yaga focused more on meeting his student, and possibly an assistant when it comes to dealing with Gojo Satoruー the genius blessed with the six eyes.

As Masamichi Yaga opened the door, the state of the room presented itself.

Sprawled on the floor was Gojo Satoru with an obvious pout on his face, the other occupant, the child which name he doesn't know yet, is sitting calmly at the Kotatsu munching on the varying confectionary on it.

"Please sit down, don't mind this brat here much." Yaga sat down parallel to the black haired child. His gaze sometimes landing on the non presentable Gojo Satoru.

"Karia!!" As Yaga sat down, Gojo rolled towards Karia, landing himself on the other's thigh. His arms wrapped around Karia's abdomen as he complained. As Gojo buried himself on Karia, he stole glances at the person he considered as an intruder.

Masamichi Yaga, as Karia called him.

"I apologize for Satoru's unsightly behavior." Yaga could see that despite the calm face that Karia had, there was slight irritation in his tone.  Though Karia's words were stiff and formal, his actions of munching on sweets had rendered his act of being mature useless.

"I don't mind. It's good to see how my student is normally." Yaga was offered tea by Karia. He was a bit bewildered since he saw no tea on the table a few seconds ago.

"This brat is becoming unruly these days, not to mention sticky. I can positively say that he has knowledge of common sense but decides to ignore it and do what he wants." As Karia said this, he sent a slap on Gojo's hands.


"Also calling himself a genius is increasing as days pass by. Surely he'll gain people resenting him due to his arrogance." Karia finished a piece of mochi before speaking again.

"So you can go ahead and teach this brat how to he strong or else he'll die early." Yaga blanked at what Karia had said since he was expecting him to request to fix Gojo's behavior.

He already thought of what to do to make Gojo lose a bit of his arrogance, but never expected that instead of chipping it away, Karia wanted to just increase Gojo's strength.

"Why?" Yaga asked as he regained calm. Talking to Karia was a new experience, since he was used on dealing with people who are easy to figure out. More specifically, the elders were always easy to figure out.

"Arrogance is only acceptable if one has the strength to back it up." Gojo flinched when Karia looked at him and smiled.

"Yaga might not know this but I am also extremely arrogant." Karia turned his gaze to the older man in front of him.

"In truth, I don't really care about this conversation, or who will teach Gojo Satoru. I also don't care about those clan elders who repeatedly try to threaten me to get away from Satoru." Karia had a small smile but Yaga felt it unnerving.

"Other than Gojo Satoru, anything else I meddle with is just so I could pass some time." Karia's smile disappeared and his gaze moved away from Yaga. He then proceeded to grab the castella as if the tension from before was an illusion.

"You said Gojo Satoru has a problem with his behavior, but aren't you the same." Yaga had noticed that Karia was using informal language with him. Though he didn't mind it much, he wanted to point out that Karia was no different from Gojo. Informal language and no honorifics, Yaga didn't like holding on grudges and he didn't point out Karia's doings with ill intent. He just wanted to see Karia's reaction.

"Aah... right." Karia stopped eating for a moment and had a look of realization on his face.

"I currently look like a kid." Karia said and continued eating.

"Should I refer to you as an older man, or should I just go back to being a grown up." Karia stated, but he looked to be talking to himself rather than asking for the opinion of the other two.

"You can't!" Gojo was the first one to speak up.

"You promised that until I grow up, you won't go back to your adult form." Gojo complained and the conversation lead to somewhere Yaga didn't know how to register.

Karia sighed.

After a few minutes passed, Yaga managed to get hold of his remaining calm.

"What... does that mean?" Yaga slowly formed his question.

"Should I tell him? He is going to be your teacher." Karia asked Gojo.

Gojo looked at Yaga with a glare. Though Yaga was sent by those people, he didn't look at Karia like he was an eyesore and didn't use words with double-meaning to mock Karia. He was more acceptable than those old men who often visits him. He was also more acceptable than those maids.

"I guess its... okay..." Gojo said with slight reluctance.

Ignoring the koala by his side, Karia extended his small hands towards Yaga. This time his smile more relaxed and calming to look at.

"Karia. Former God of Death. Gojo will be in your care for a while."

Yaga was speechless.



Gojo is currently eleven years old in this chapter.

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