e i g h t

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Maybe years later from now on, when my daughter would lock herself in her room not letting anyone in, hiding her pain from everyone. the pain some guy gave her, some guy who failed to see her love for him. I would open her room's door and with my hesitant steps to her bed, I would let the silence take over us for some moments before I would take her in my arms, warmly embracing her. slowly she would breaks in tears while just saying 'why?'
I would let her cry while consoling her that it never was her fault , and it's gonna be okay soon.

To let her know it's gonna be fine, I would tell her about you. that I fell in love with you, yet you never loved me back. I would tell her, how worthless I felt that I locked myself in my room crying all the pain inside me.

I will tell her, that my sister would cancel my school preventing me from seeing him for some months. how she would take away my pills, worried I might overdose myself once again. I will tell her, how she would cancel her college to take care of me in that state.

How I would wake up in the middle of the nights, crying hysterically thinking all the good times with you. how my mother would hide her tears seeing her daughter in pain, how my whole family broke with me in tears. how  my bestfriend would come over everyday, not letting me being alone for a moment. how I became broken, just like a ragged doll. All the dark nights and gloomy days I went through just because I fell in love with someone who never loved me.

But I will also tell her how it got better, how I started to go to school, how my sister went back to her college, how my mum smiled at me everytime I would break in loud laughter. How everything got better.
I will tell everything about you, how you looked. how you smiled at me, how you...left me.

After all this when she would stop crying, and throwing away the pills beside her. I would just sit with her and crack some of my lame jokes to brighten up the mood.

but I will never tell her how I still have your picture in antique...

one sided love | q u o t e s  & p o e m s |Where stories live. Discover now