Logan the Babysitter

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Cute Emile picture check

TW - One swear word at the beginning and mention of mental health issues from a third person perspective (so no actual negative thoughts - just mention of a character actually having them)


On Thursdays Logan eats his lunch in Janus' classroom. It's just a little deal they made when Logan started teaching at the high school and became friends with Janus. Janus was older than Logan by a few years, he had reached the ripe old age of thirty, so when Logan joined the teaching staff three years back Janus acted as a sort of mentor. Logan didn't know if he was allowed to eat in the classrooms at first, which technically he isn't unless he has a student to take care of, but Janus ignored that rule and allowed Logan to eat in his classroom with him rather than in the canteen with the students or the staff room with at that point complete strangers. And since then they always ate in each other's classrooms when they didn't have any responsibilities: they ate in Logan's room on Mondays and Wednesdays and Janus' room on Thursdays. Logan's room was often more empty at lunchtime as Janus' room was the meeting place of the LGBTQ+ Alliance and the RPG Board Game Club. Logan never knew if they were the same club or separate clubs but they seemed to have the same members.

Janus' classroom very much fit Janus. He taught in the oldest building of the school, made in the late 1800s which fit the gothic aesthetic. The walls of his classroom were made up completely of bookshelves which meant that Logan could easily steal a book if he was bored marking work in the lunch hour or just wanted to relax. There must have been hundreds to choose from. The desks were in a dark wood design rather than the white design of the newer buildings. Even the electronic whiteboard was black – he wasn't sure how Janus managed that but he did. The only splash of colour was on the wall beside Janus' desk: a rainbow flag and a trans flag. Logan also had a rainbow flag in his classroom that stood proudly beside a times tables poster and was also given by Janus. The students didn't mind their flags and in fact enjoyed them. He remembered when Janus first got the courage to put his trans flag up, expecting to be deadnamed and called Miss, but the students didn't even seem to change their behaviour around Mr Jackson.

Logan couldn't help but inspect the classrooms he walked beside to get to Janus' room. He appreciated the change between the modern hallways of maths and science to the older architecture of the English rooms. The teachers were either absent from their classroom or doing work, a few students were eating with their favourite teachers or in a club.

Logan paused just outside Ms Colden's classroom. Ms Colden was an English teacher and was known to be very strict to bad students. It meant the students got good grades, but Logan always found her attitude towards her students' imperfections to be excessive. "Mr Ray-Feliz we both know your attendance is horrendous." Ms Colden almost shouted at the familiar neon green wearing sophomore from his classes. Remus held his head down. "I need you to attend after-classes to get this coursework done otherwise you'll never pass this class! I don't want you to retake sophomore year." Remus nodded again before speaking.

"I have to take care of my little brother. Roman's at a science revision session and Patton's at a birthday party."

"Do you want to fail? You need this coursework done by next week." Remus stepped back slightly, the words obviously hurting. Ms Colden scowled before seeing Logan at her door. "Mr Crofters, can I help you?" She spat, obviously angry that she was interrupted.

"Um... When's this after-class?" Logan said as he stepped into the classroom. Remus looked over while Logan stood next to him and then back at Ms Colden.

"Only around forty minutes after school ends. Starts at 3:05pm ends at 3:45pm." Ms Colden typed on her computer, Logan wasn't sure about what, either noting that Remus couldn't attend the after school class or a note to avoid talking down to a student on Thursday lunchtimes.

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