Paps and Dad

243 8 7

News of the Ray-Felizes staying with Mr Crofters comes out, which results on a prank by the twins.

TW - Swearing because Janus is in the chapter, discussions over parental responsibilities, character having a panic attack/argument but it's third person so there's no anxious thoughts.

Again, UK Childline is 0800 1111



"Woof woof?" Logan responded to his friend Janus, looking up from the trigonometry test he was marking with an unamused raised eyebrow. Logan had been called bitch by Janus several times, so much that it became an automatic response to woof back to keep the more proper meaning of the word in rotation. Janus excitedly gasped and sat down opposite Logan with his lunch; Logan immediately knew what this was about.

"You adopted the Ray-Felizes? I didn't think you had the balls for that shit but here we are! You're like an actual parent!" Janus crossed one leg over the other and took a large bite of an apple wanting Logan to speak. Logan sighed and packed the homework he was marking away and sat with good posture, this was going to be a long discussion.

"It isn't an adoption, I am just housing them. Mrs Ray-Feliz still has full parental responsibility over them." Janus rolled his eyes and continued staring unhappy with what he was told. "If Mrs Ray-Feliz were to knock on my door and demand her boys back I would have no power to argue – because I don't have parental responsibility." Janus scowled and finally looked away from Logan. The thought of Mrs Ray-Feliz coming back and taking the boys from Logan upset him slightly even though he had only taken care of them one night so far. He knew their life with their mother wasn't good so letting them go back without police judgement would be – barbaric.

"You should just adopt them already, where else would all that Daddy energy go?" Janus smirked looking Logan up and down as he stuttered and laughed. "Plus they deserve a parent like you – well I haven't met the others but I know Roman and Remus. You should have seen Roman in English period one." Logan hummed to ask for more information while he got out his sandwiches, made in a little more of a rush as Logan and Virgil worked together to get Patton on the school bus and a lunch made for Emile before kindergarten.

Janus happily told Logan about his English lesson period one. He knew when Roman was early that something had changed, apparently Roman usually came to his period one classes either on time or run in late with unbrushed hair and cereal on his jacket which Janus just resorted to a late wake up. But when Roman came in at 7:30am when his homeroom began at 7:45am, perfectly calm and presentable and happy, Janus needed to know all the details.

"Well, well, well. Sir Ray-Feliz actually wakes up before 7:40." Janus chuckled at his student, sipping a carton of juice from the cafeteria. Roman just smiled, bringing out all his textbooks (Roman usually only brought in the text the class was studying that day – not all his books – that was unheard of from any of Janus' students) and sitting down at his desk. After a minute silence Roman spoke, also very unusual for a period one class that wasn't a theatre class.

"Do you have Lord of the Flies?" Roman asked, looking from one of Janus' many bookshelves to his English teacher. Janus had to blink several times to check he wasn't sleeping.

"Yes, third shelf at the back, why?" Roman stood and got the book, reading it as soon as he sat down again, confusing Janus even more. Lord of the Flies wasn't on the syllabus for any of the high school years at Sanders Academy High so students rarely touched the amazing masterpiece or even heard of it. But then what Roman said next shocked even more.

"I read a little bit of it last night. I like it."

"You own books?" Janus said half jokingly. Although he was sure the majority of his students didn't have random literature classics lying around their house as they could hardly name any book that wasn't studied at some point in school.

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