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The family enjoy their time at Disney, and Virgil realises a sacrifice he has to take.

TW - None it's just cute - there's a little swearing, maybe there's suggestions that Logan and Virgil about to have sex at the end but it ends before they do anything


"When you wish upon a STAR!" Roman sang, spinning in circles in front of his brothers and parents. This was the best day of his life. Logan couldn't get rid of his smile either, holding Virgil's hand and carrying Emile on his shoulders. The atmosphere was loud with a lot of screaming kids; an environment that would cause Virgil to panic and increase the snarky comments now caused Virgil to get a soft smile and rub his cheek into Logan's shoulder every so often. He would happily have this life forever.

"I'll go get Mickey ears Dad!" Patton cheered pointing at a small stall with Mickey Mouse ears and other headbands. Logan nodded, getting his wallet and giving Patton enough money to get ears for him and his brothers. Even though Logan and Virgil embraced this fatherhood life, their wallets had less of a joy with four kids that they wanted to spoil. But the smile Patton gave as he ran off happily was all worth it.

The husbands had come with slightly concerning news though: they might not be caring for the kids in summer. Now Mrs Ray-Feliz was found they knew she wasn't suitable for custody, but the police had made sure to remind them every social worker meeting the boys had that they were not permanent parents. They could be taken from them for any reason; they were too young to take care of teenagers, Logan was in a position of power over them, Logan had only really become an American citizen around a year ago, Virgil was unreliable with whether he was at work or not – and he was unfortunately mostly at work, they didn't have enough bedrooms for all their sons – they could even say that because the two of them were gay they couldn't have kids.

"Dad can we go take Emmy to get cotton candy?" Remus came next to Logan smiling, expecting some money and his little brother.

"Cotton candy!" Emile giggled as Logan placed him on the ground again, squeezing his cheek and giving Remus money. Roman also stopped singing and held Emile's hand getting the money he had already been given out of his pocket.

"We'll go get ice cream over there kiddo." Virgil said softly at the boys pointing to a nearby café. Logan straightened Emile's pink tie (which he loved wearing when outside the house), and let the boys go to one side of the park. There was one rule they allowed the teenagers to have, if they wanted to explore the park on their own for a while they could, they just needed to respond to texts.

Logan and Virgil entered the ice cream café, ordering an Oreo and vanilla ice cream to share. They sat together on a small table. It was very unusual, they had gotten used to having children surrounding them all the time that sitting together alone felt uneasy. Before kids they'd prefer it, any gathering with others like a double date with Janus or a meal with family would cause an awkwardness. They'd flirt like small children as if they were scared of being caught for something. Now this was happening because they were alone.

"I love you." Virgil murmured quietly, holding his husband's hand with a small smile. He felt as though that was all he could say, and all that needed to be said at that particular moment. Logan nodded, his eyes in thought as he kissed Virgil's knuckles. Virgil laughed while looking around the park. "I still think we should have got married here, it would have been so cool."

"They probably have thousands of people asking to be married here every year, it's probably as likely we would have married here as if we wanted to get married in a castle or something." Logan smirked, still holding Virgil's hand as he stole some of his Oreo ice cream. The magic moment played in his head again, the moment he said yes, it was more magical than any Disney attraction. It was a simple church service, they didn't want anything too fancy. They had only been living with each other for a few weeks at that point too. He still remembered the utter excitement he felt to begin a new life with such an amazing husband, and the excitement came again every morning when he saw his husband wake up. Virgil agreed with the statement Logan said and looked around the park again. "I'm sure we can renew our vows here on an anniversary." He smiled, but Virgil had seemed to be concerned with something else.

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