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"Then I'll make it feel right"

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"Then I'll make it feel right"

His words were stuck in your head.

You should've just said yes, but would it have even be useful?

He probably already knew your answer.

You turned around on you bed again now hitting your face with a pillow cursing yourself out.

"Y/N, someone's here to see you," you heard your brother yell from down stairs.

You instantly fell out of your bed pleading it would be anyone, but Jaemin.

That and you were still in your pjs.

You hurried into your closet to grab anything decent to just change into for the time being.

You tried to speak from upstairs to see if you could get a slight look at who was waiting for you.

Maybe you were going insane, it could just be Jeno telling you, you didn't have to work today.

"Y/N, you better come down here before I drag you down here," Renjun yelled.

They were in the kitchen, but maybe it's his soulmate.

You've never met her, but maybe you finally will.

You started to slowly go down the stairs and turned your head to take a look in the kitchen.

Sadly it wasn't his soulmate or even Jeno.

And it was already too late for you to turn back and run upstairs.

"Y/N," Jaemin smiled at you.

You were shocked, since when did Renjun get along with Jaemin.

It didn't seem like you had much of a choice now, and joined the two boys.

They continued to talk to each other, and they really were just ignoring you.


Jaemin had held onto your hand underneath the table which made your tattoos start to glow gold.

You would be lying to say that you didn't enjoy the skinship, but truthfully it didn't feel right.

"Well, I got to go get ready now i have work soon," you muttered an excuse to escape.

You ran up the stairs to take your shower and change into a casual outfit.

You were ready to go to work and planned on walking despite the high chance of snow.

It won't be that cold.

"Y/N, Jaemin offered to take you to work," Renjun spoke as you were about to walk out the door.

Jaemin was already in his car and waiting for you.

You really started to consider just rejecting his offer, but he is you soulmate after all.

"Y/N, hurry your going to be late," Renjun began to scold you, but before it could get any worst you ran out the house.

"It always works," Renjun smiled at himself as he looked at his tattoo which was starting to fade.

"They'll be happy"

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎

"Y/N, hurry up and get in the kitchen I'm dying here," Jeno commented as you walked into the cafè.

You hurried into the kitchen and put on your apron as you started with the first orders.

Who knew how long people were waiting for their drinks, and you didn't really want to make then wait any longer. Even if they weren't waiting.

Jeno had given you more orders to do, but it really was much.

Orders were increasing faster than you could even make, and it wasn't going to get any better.

"Jeno can you come in help," you asked, but then noticed the long line in front of Jeno.

"Nevermind," you murmured as Jeno handed over more orders.

He answered a quick "sorry" as he continued with helping the customers.

You couldn't continue like this, there were too many orders and you were the only one making them. 

Finally when the orders started to die down Jeno came to the back to check on you.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I'll try and hire someone later today" he apologized to you.

"You can take a break and go get something to eat, I'll take care of it here I don't think it'll get busy again until later," he let you know and you nodded your head.

You were in need of a break, so took your chance and went to go get some food from a nearby McDonald's for you and Jeno.

You assumed he hadn't eaten either, and you weren't going to let him starve.

You were on your way back to the cafè and it was really cold outside.

You noticed the small amount of snow on the ground, it must have snowed a bit while you got your food.

You went to the back and Jeno was sitting on a chair while looking at his phone.

"I brought back food for the both of us," you cheered as you held the McDonald's bag.

He smiled at you as you placed it on the small table.

You handed him the chicken nuggets you got for him and yourself as well as the fries.

"You're the best Y/N," he complimented you as he grabbed another chicken nugget.

"Oh while you were gone I hired someone, he'll be back soon," he smiled.

You felt relieved you would have someone to work with you, even of you had to train him, but from what Jeno told you he didn't need any training.

You started to notice a couple of people walked and decided you would go take their orders.

"Hello welcome to Déjà Vu cafè what can I help you with," you asked the customer.

"Two peppermint spiced hot chocolates please"

"Of course they'll be ready soon," you responded to the and gave them their buzzer to take to a table.

You went back into the kitchen and prepared the two drinks and placed them on tray taking them back to the counter.

You alerted the customer who came back and took her two drinks.

Another person walked in as you were just going back into the kitchen.

You turned around to see a smiling Jaemin.

"I'm here for my first day"

"I'm here for my first day"

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Hot Chocolate▪︎Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now