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AN: Okay so last chapter was not something I had planned lmao. I was just feeling sad so I decided to write a sad chapter.

And also (don't hate me) I was thinking of ending it there as well. But I couldn't do that to you guys so I decided against it.

This is my early Christmas present for you guys and I really hope you enjoy. Not too sure if I care for it but it's sad and I'm sad so gang gang<3



Aurora's P.O.V


Anger was an emotion that destroyed everything. It showed no mercy. It ruined everything with just the touch of its fingertips. It could turn the bluest sky black and turn a field of flowers into nothing but ashes and smoke. Anger didn't feel the need to tread carefully around someone, only jumping in to say a few words then leave and hope that all was forgiven. No...that's not what anger does at all.

It destroys, scorches, burns everything in it's path and leaves without any regrets. Anger haunts you...teases you as if it's saying 'I'm always here. You can't escape me.' Relationships and friendships have all at some point fallen into the dark hole that is anger, and some have barely made it out alive.

Anger preys on it's victims and pounces just when you thought that all of this might be over. It appears when you're ready to let the sadness in or the logical way of thinking take over. Anger has no boundaries and will go to any lengths to obtain what it wants most.

It wants heartbreak. It wants destruction. It wants every single good thing in your life to come to an end...all because you couldn't stop the words that fall from your lips and attach themselves onto the victim they were aimed at.

And in my case, those words were aimed at Harry...and his words were aimed at me. Which is exactly why when he told me to fuck off, I did. I fucked off before any more harsh and angry words could be exchanged between us and dig that hole even deeper.

But fucking off wasn't a hard thing to do. I simply opened the door...and left.

I called a cab and didn't wait to see if Harry was coming after me. Quite frankly, I didn't care if he did or not. I couldn't care less if he got on that plane with me and came back to Rome.

I pushed down all of my sadness and let my anger wash over me.

It washed over me in boiling hot waves, pummeling me time and time again without letting me back up for air. An endless sea of crimson water and a sky filled with angry black clouds seemed to be the only landscape filling my mind at the moment as the car drove further and further away from my problems.

The trees outside turned into violent waves, taunting me as they threatened to tip over my sinking boat. Each memory from tonight just adding another hole and sinking the piece of wood lower and lower into the swirling depths of the crimson sea.

I fought back the tears and held everything in. I held in the scream of anger rising in my throat and instead clenched my hands into fists. I fought the urge to tell the driver to turn around and take me back to Harry just so I could lay out another long line of crude words on him.

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