Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

My lips lightly touched his. He leaned forward slightly, touching our lips again, but I pulled back unwillingly. I opened my eyes just as he opened his. I saw the hunger in his eyes. He did need me; just as much as I needed him. I pressed our lips together softly, enjoying the slow motion of our mouths moving together, but things quickly got heated. Before I knew it, I was slammed into a shelf, my jeans on the ground along with his pants. Our kisses were frantic yet again as if nothing had happened between us. It was like nothing had changed.

My fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as he made quick work of mine. Once he was finished with that article of clothing, he touched me anywhere he could. He dropped his shirt and my nailless fingers dug into his back.

“Paul,” I whispered/ moaned into his ear. I felt him lightly bite my neck and smiled at the pleasurable yet barely noticeable pain.

“I missed you so much,” he complained. I kissed him to stop his train of thought so he could concentrate on other things besides that. And he did a very good job of it too. We lay there in each other’s arms yet again.

“I’m so sorry I doubted you,” he started and buried his head in my neck. I just smiled and closed my eyes. “Don’t ever let that happen again, please.” He begged.

“What just happened or last month?”

“Last month.” He mumbled.

 Suddenly, he sat up, propping himself up on his elbow.

“Why don’t we get married again?” Shock overtook me so that I sat up straight.


“Why don’t we get married again?”

“We already are married.” Paul sat up in front of my, visibly excited.

“Yeah, but proper. Like, with our friends and family and all.” I started considering it, wondering why I was so freaked out.

“Uh….i don’t know.” Paul seemed less than thrilled with my answer.

“Huh?” the dejected tone in his voice broke my heart. “Is it me? It’s me, isn’t it?” he actually seemed concerned with it. As if that was possible!

“What? No! No, it’s me, trust.” He started shaking his head which hung before him in sadness. “I have commitment issues.” That was the first time I said it out loud.

“So, you do want to marry me? Again?” I smiled, swallowing my fear, and nodded. He beamed and kissed me passionately, taking me back down to the floor. He broke off the kiss and just smiled. He seemed completely giddy with excitement. I tried to sit up, but he pushed me back down. I looked up at him, confused.

“Oh, no, no, no. A special treat for the special lady.” He said in a corny French accent, kissing down my stomach. I laughed until he made me moan, which was quite often.

After that little….’interaction’, I grabbed my clothes and rushed to cover myself again.

“So, how is all of this gonna work? Are we back together or….” I trailed off buttoning my pants. Paul was by my side in an instant.

“We are defiantly back together.” I smiled and threw my arms around his neck.

“Good.” I stood on my tiptoes and he leaned down, but our direction was a bit off and he ended up kissing my nose. “Weirdo,” I laughed as he recovered from his giggle fit and licked my nose. I turned my head up and my tongue met his, but I was just sticking my tongue out at him to make fun.

“Shall we?” he pulled away and held my hand in his. I smiled and leaned against his arm slightly as we went back to the studio.

To tell you the truth, I was glad to be out of Justice and George’s place. It was so loud with them going at it all the time. I had really missed Paul, honest to God. And as soon as I got home, he would only leave my side to go to the bathroom. Otherwise, we were attached at the hip. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to stay home very long. Almost as soon as we made up, the boys were to be shipped to America. Paul had insisted on my presence in the US and I insisted on Justice being there, which George didn’t mind one bit. John brought Cynthia as well, and Ringo Maureen. I sat on the plane, completely bored. Ringo looked terrified. Mo sat there next to him, rubbing his arm, but that didn’t help any.

“How can you be so calm? I looked up to Ringo’s eyes on me.

“I’m use to planes.” I shrugged and looked out the window.

“But, we are thousands of feet in the air! We could plummet to our deaths any minute!” anxiety was clear on his face. I noticed George and Justice disconnect faces when he started to get scared as well.

“We are not going to die.” Justice laughed.

“And we wouldn’t even let you on the plane if we were.” I finished, smiling happily. “Except you, John. You would be on the plummeting plane of doom!” I cried dramatically, making a face and faking a heart attack very poorly, falling against the wall of the plane. We all laughed, except of John, of course. He shifted uncomfortably as I sat back up and leaned against Paul.

Hours passed and everyone soon fell asleep; everyone except John and I, that is. Sighing, I stood up and walked over to John. He looked up from his book and smiled as I sat down.

“Hey,” I smiled back. “What ya readin’?” he closed the book to show me. “You’re reading your own book? Wow. Hey, that doesn’t come out till April.” He smiled wider, if possible with his thin lips.

“The author is entitled to a copy, ain’t I?” I laughed lightly.

“I guess so. But, you did write it. So, you know how it ends.”

“Not that kind of book, love.” I blushed and looked down. I felt his finger under my chin, slowly lifting my gaze back to him. “What’s all that about?” he looked for something in my eyes. I did notice that his smile had fall away.

“Embarrassed at my own stupidity.” I chuckled.

“Don’t be. I love your stupidity.” That missing smile played at his lips and, oh, how I wanted to kiss those lips. And the butterflies in my stomach when he said that! It was more like bats or birds! I turned my head again.

“John….don’t, please.” I felt a slight pressure on my hand and, I knew that his was there, but I turned anyway, right into his lips. I wanted to push him away at first, but soon I found my hands tangling in his gorgeous brown hair, pulling his thin, smooth and rough lips on mine. His hands slid from my face, down and grabbed my breast. I moaned as quietly as possible. I opened my mouth the tiniest bit and his tongue flitted in. I played with it while his other hand suddenly flew to my hair and pulled me closer.

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