Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

 I couldn’t even think; all of this came by instinct. I wanted to be closer, oh so very much closer, but I remembered the looked on Paul’s face when I saw him again after the ‘incident’. I yanked back, John’s hands steady where they were. His eyes opened, lips still puckered. My eyes widened in the shock of what I just did and the disgust of letting it continue. I was so confused and unsure that, the first thing I did was grab Paul’s hand, starling his awake, and pull him to the plane bathroom.

Once the door shut behind us, I kissed him, crushing our lips together and fumbling with the buckle of his belt. He lost no time in raising my skirt and lifting my onto the little sink there.

This place really wasn’t built for two.

I moaned and begged for more, which he graciously granted. Soon, very soon, all I could think about was Paul. He was everything to me. How could even consider John for a second? And why does everything have to be so damn confusing?

“Paul, Laila, get out of there! You’ve been in there for four hours! And I have to piss!” Ringo hollered over George and John’s howls of laughter. I pulled my skirt back down and made sure Paul was alright before we headed out to the gang. Ringo rushed into the bathroom, the door slamming behind us. I blushed as we made our way to our seats, all eyes on us. I looked to Justice for help, but her eyes just rolled, a smile on her face. I watched Paul sit down in my seat before pulling me onto his lap. I giggled and leaned my head on his shoulder. I watched the sun rise farther into the sky before we landed in the airport and the window was shut to keep away the reporters.

I sighed and stood up, waiting for Paul to join me. I noticed John’s eyes on me and turned towards the burning gaze but he turned away as I did.

Great. Now I’ve got not only a hot boy band bassist to worry about, but also his stalker best friend that keeps checking me out. This day just gets better and better.

As he stood, Paul smiled, reaching for my hand. I returned that compassionate gaze and took his hand, following him and the rest of the group off the plane. The hordes of fans and reporters there was….breathtaking. It was awe inspiring and terrifying at the same time. It was a wonder the boys could deal with it all the time. And, looking at them, I could see that they all loved how well they were received in America. The officers began ushering us all off the planes and the Beatles stood for pictures, but only for a few moments before being swept away again. It was a miracle that I was able to keep hold of Paul’s hand while we hurried through the clingy crowds of Americans.

It surprisingly felt nice to hear the American accent again. Reporters shouted questions at us all, even Justice and myself. We made our way through the mob to a press conference held inside the JFK Airport. The boys answered a variety of questions. It was mainly just a bunch of shouting and people telling each other to shut up. The comment I liked the best was them being bald, that whole bit. I took Paul’s hand as the conference neared a close and we raced to our own limo. Each of the guys got their own limo, which was really cool, but a waste of gasoline none the less.

“So,” Paul smiled at me. “Happy to be back in America?” I nodded with slight hesitation. I had really missed this place, especially the south. Unfortunately, the boys didn’t go anywhere near Georgia this time round. I moved closer to Paul till I was practically on top of him. Actually, I was on top of him. I sat on his lap, facing him, my legs on either side. He returned a slightly surprised glance.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” he slowly raised an eyebrow.

“That depends. Is it working?” he nodded and licked him lips. I leaned forwards slowly. My lips were inches from his, teasing him. He licked his lips again and his tongue brushed against my lips slightly. I smiled a bit and ran my hands down his chest. They settled on the middle of his pants which he seemed to like very much.

He groaned a little and closed the distance between us. He pressed against me roughly and I had just enough time to get my hands from between us before we fell on the floor and he laid on top of me. I ran my fingers through his Beatle hairstyle and used that to pull him closer. His hands were already sliding up my waist, under my shirt. I decided to save him the trouble of having to mess with the clasp and just pulled my bra and shirt up over my boobs. For that, he gave them a little ‘extra attention’. His lips began kissing down my chest and he quickly pulled my skirt down with his teeth.

“Oh, Paul!” I cried as he licked me. I shook as I rode out my climax in that limousine, my grip on his hair tightening slightly.

 I panted as Paul crawled up my body to me. He kissed me and smiled, trying to straighten his hair out again. His hand brushed from my temple to my chin.

“Laila,” I knew what he needed, well, I thought I did. I stretched my hand down in his trousers, but he pulled my hand back and unzipped his pants. He stared into my eyes beseechingly. I nodded and he kissed me.

“Paul,” I moaned. I felt him bite my shoulder and then release. Everything was perfect right then, but then came the siren calls of the fans nearing and we hurried to correct our clothing. I pulled back down my shirt and bra and straightened my skirt. Paul zipped up his pants and helped me back up onto the seat.

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