14: I just wanted to save me (J.JK)

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2.5 years ago

It was the month of June, summer vacations were going on, and everyone was either on a trip to Hawaii or spending their time reading books, visiting cafes because their parents had some excuses ready to not go outside for a vacation. Jungkook's family had come up with one such excuse, but that didn't stop him from hosting one of the biggest summer parties.

Somi, Rose, Jennie, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Namjoon entered the party together as the place smelled like an exotic resort in Miami would. The blue lights made the atmosphere look not any less than a concert that took place in one of London's street bars. The place smelled like cocktails and pineapples.

"Wow, looks like Jungkook is taking revenge from his father for not going on a vacation by emptying his credit card," Rose commented as they scanned the place

"It's not our money, why do we care?" Somi said as she took off her jacket, "I will see you guys later, I better find some drinks, and some hot guys to hook up with," Somi said wiggling her eye-brows as they all either eye-rolled or sighed. Typical Somi

"I guess, I will just grab some shrimps, the ones over there look so good," Rose said eyeing the food table, "and do you mind a company?" Jennie asked her, "Of course not, let's go," Rose said as both of then headed towards the food table

"Do you wanna play some games over there?" Namjoon asked cocking an eyebrow as Taehyung nodded and they both went to play some games


It was three hours already, and the party was going wild. Everyone was getting tipsy, and they all were just vibing with the music. A sober Rose showed up in the game room where Jungkook and Somi were, playing a match of overwatch. As she took a seat next to them, she was completely disinterested in what they were playing. Rose had danced already, thankfully she didn't broke her heels, she had enough drinks for the day and she had already played 7 matches of overwatch with Namjoon. Now all she wanted to do was go to her house and sleep the night away.

"Who are those guys? Never seen them in the campus. Are they your friends Kookie?" Rose asked she spotted 3 unknown guys in one of the corners

"Naah, I don't remember seeing them anywhere, it's fine, maybe some random guys who wanted to party," Jungkook replied as he shot them a quick glance, continuing to play his game. Even though Jungkook said it in the most easy way, Rose wasn't satisfied, she felt uneasy, but she shrugged it off

No one knew what those guys were doing in the corner and how much trouble that can cause for Jungkook.


"Hey Somi, are you coming with us?" Taehyung asked Somi as almost everyone left the party. It was 11 pm and Jennie was already drunk and was shouting "I AIN'T SCARED OF YOU BITCH," to everyone she came across, while Rose and Namjoon were stopping here from shouting that.

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