17: Can I take it for free? (K.JN)

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2.5 years ago

"And apparently they were having sex in Bethany's parents' bedroom!"

Jennie Kim stared at her best friend, Somi, across the table. It was two days before school started and they were sitting in the King Mall's terraced French-inspired café, Rive Gauche, drinking red wine, comparing Vogue to Teen Vogue, and gossiping. Somi always knew the best dirt on people. Jennie took another sip of wine and noticed a fortysomething guy staring lecherously at them. A regular Humbert Humbert, Jennie thought but didn't say out loud. Somi wouldn't get the literary reference.

"I wanna go shopping," Jennie said pushing her table and standing up

"How about Tiffany's?" Somi asked.


They strolled through the brand-new luxe section of the King Mall, which had a Burberry, a Tiffany's, a Gucci, and a Coach; smelled of the latest Michael Kors perfume; and was packed full of pretty back-to-prep-school girls with their beautiful moms. On a solo shopping trip a few weeks ago, she spotted really beautiful dresses.

She and Somi strode into Tiffany's; it was full of glass, chrome, and white lights that made the flawless diamonds extra shimmery. Somi prowled around the cases and then raised her eyebrows at Jennie. "Maybe a necklace?"

"What about a charm bracelet?" Jennie whispered.


They walked to the case and eyed the silver charm bracelet with the heart-shaped toggle. "So pretty," Somi breathed.

"Interested?" an elegant older saleswoman asked them.

"Oh, I don't know," Jennie said.

"It suits you." The woman unlocked the case and felt around for the bracelet. "It's in all the magazines."

Jennie nudged Somi. "You try it."

Somi slid it onto her wrist. "It's really beautiful." Then the woman turned to another customer. When she did, Somi slid the bracelet off her wrist and into her pocket. Just like that.

Jennie mashed her lips together and flagged down another saleswoman, a honey-blond girl who wore coral lipstick. "Can I try that bracelet there, with the round charm?"

"Sure!" The girl unlocked the case. "I have one of these myself."

"How about the matching earrings, too?" Jennie pointed to them.

"Of course."

Somi had moved over to the diamonds. Jennie held the earrings and the bracelet in her hands. Together, they were 450 Korean Won. Suddenly, a swarm of Japanese girls crowded around the counter, all pointing at another round-charm bracelet in the glass case. Jennie scanned the ceilings for cameras and the doors for detectors.

"Oh, Jennie, come look at the Lucida!" Somi called.


Jennie paused. Time slowed down. She slid the bracelet onto her wrist and then shoved it farther up her sleeve. She stuck the earrings in her Louis Vuitton cherry-monogrammed coin purse. Jennie's heart pounded. This was the best part of taking stuff: the feeling beforehand. She felt all buzzy and alive.

Somi waved a diamond ring at her. "Doesn't this look good on me?"

"C'mon." Jennie grabbed her arm. "Let's go to Coach."

"You don't want to try any on?" Somi pouted. She always stalled after she knew Jennie had done the job.

"Nah," Jennie said. "Purses are calling our names." She felt the bracelet's silver chain press gently into her arm. She had to get out of here while the Japanese girls were still bustling around the counter. The salesgirl hadn't even looked back in her direction.

"All right," Somi said dramatically. She handed the ring-holding it by its diamond, which even Jennie knew you weren't supposed to do-back to the saleswoman. "These diamonds are all too small," she said. "Sorry."

"We have others," the woman tried.

"Come on," Jennie said, grabbing Somi's arm.

Her heart hammered as they wove their way through Tiffany's. The charm tinkled on her wrist, but she kept her sleeve pulled down. Jennie was a seasoned pro at this-first it had been loose candy at the Wawa convenience store, then CDs from Tower, then baby tees from Ralph Lauren-and she felt bigger and more badass every time. She shut her eyes and crossed the threshold, bracing herself for the alarms to blare.

But nothing did. They were out.

Somi squeezed her hand. "Did you get one too?"

"Of course." She flashed the bracelet around her wrist. "And these." She opened the coin purse and showed Somi the earrings.

"Shit." Somi's eyes widened.

Jennie smiled. Sometimes it felt so good to one-up your best friend. Not wanting to jinx it, she walked quickly away from Tiffany's and listened for someone to come chasing after them. The only noise, though, was the burbling of the fountain and a Muzak version of "Oops! I Did It Again."

Oh yes, I did, Jennie thought.

"I love it when we shoplift together," Jennie said as they reached her house, "You mean... You shoplift and I buy?" Somi asked sitting down on the couch

"What do you mean?" Jennie asked

"My parents' friend owns that mall Jennie, I buy everything at first, show my parents, and then they pay the amount to their friend," Somi smiled, sympathetically

"What? You are kidding me, aren't you?" Jennie asked throwing one of the bags on the floor, it felt like Somi just betrayed her.

"Woah, easy Tiger, I am not telling anyone," Somi said raising both of her hands

"You better not," Jennie said in a warning tone

"Don't worry, I will keep your secret, and the secret will keep us close," Somi said patting her back



Jennie was right now in King's Mall and finding a pair of earrings to wear.
"Can I see those heart-shaped ones please?" she asked

"Sure," a blonde girl replied and passed her the earring set, they were small heart-shaped earrings that totally complimented her beauty and were exactly what Jennie wanted

"How much?" Jennie asked

"56000 Won," the girl answered her, Jennie frowned, too expensive, her budget was 45000, and suddenly her phone buzzed. She kept the earrings down and looked at it

 She kept the earrings down and looked at it

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