The Beginning

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Hi, it's me, your friendly yet snarky editor/co-author!

I will freely admit that this is on me, I have gone and fucked up. I cannot find chapter two anywhere. All I know is that it was called "The Beginning" — sooo ominous and foreshadowy, right? Seriously, it's like we were dealing with a literary mastermind and didn't even see it.

Here's the gist of it:

An ambulance comes to the rescue, because poor frail Josie is collapsed on the ground. There was a ton of med-p0rn where all these EMTs were fawning over Josie and taking her blood pressure, which was super low and she probably could've literally died right then. The ambulance left for some super important hospital.

Some drama happens when Elaine is trying to get there, I think maybe her car ran out of gas?

Josie is in the ER, hooked up to countless machines, she's unconscious and looks dead or whatever. The doctor decides to personally reassure Elaine.

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