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A/N: Hey guys, yep, I'm back with another new story idea lol. I really should try and work on actually completing stories XD. Anyway, I got nostalgic when I was rewatching H2O the other day, and I was suddenly inspired to write this story. I really wish something like this happened in the actual show, it's such a missed opportunity. But hey, at least we have fanfic :D. Sorry if this ends up being super cringe, but I just had to write down my crazy ideas, and thought I would put them on here in case anyone else wanted H2O to go in this direction as well XD

Obvious disclaimer: I do not own H2O or any of its characters. Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy :D


"So, you guys are aware that there's a full moon this Saturday, right? How are you all feeling about it?" Lewis McCartney asks the three girls sitting around him in the booth quietly, before taking a sip of his juice.

"Ugh, I'd really rather not think about that right now, Lewis. That's in four days time, why do we need to plan so far ahead? And besides, it's not like our prepping has ever actually helped us anyway." Rikki Chadwick groans and rolls her eyes in annoyance, tired of the science geek always mothering them about the dangers of being a mermaid and the full moon. Emma is bad enough, and Lewis is just too much in Rikki's opinion.

"Well, I like to be prepared anyway. It at least makes me feel a little calmer on the day of the full moon at least. And besides, no preparation would just make things a hundred times worse," Cleo Sertori interjects, sticking up for her boyfriend, glancing over to him for a moment with a comforting smile, which Lewis is grateful for and can't help but smile back while reaching out for her hand and squeezing it gently.

"Lewis is right, Rikki. We can't be unprepared. Every month, the moon hits one of us, and every month, bad stuff happens." Emma warns the fellow blonde girl solemnly.

"Yeah well, I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of Lewis thinking he knows how we're feeling and telling us what to do when he doesn't actually know anything about the full moon at all!" Rikki says in a huff, noticing Lewis wince a little as she speaks. For a moment, she feels a slight pang of guilt, but she quickly pushes that emotion aside, knowing that she wanted to speak her mind about this issue for ages. She also ignores the hard glares that Cleo and Emma are giving her.

"Look, maybe I don't exactly know what you girls go through, but I feel like I still have a pretty good understanding of everything, and sometimes it's good to have an outsider's perspective on things. It gives the most unbiased results." Lewis concedes, and Rikki just rolls her eyes.

"Don't try and pretend to know what all of this is like, you have no idea! And your plans to keep us safe never work anyway, so maybe you need to just leave us alone on full moons!" Rikki snaps harshly.

"Rikki!" Cleo and Emma scowl at their fiery friend.

"Please, you both know it's true," Rikki scoffs before finishing the last of her juice.

"Why are you in such a mood today?" Emma drowns sternly.

"I'm not, I'm just speaking the truth." Rikki retorts. Cleo listens to his friends argue in disbelief, wondering how the hell things changed so quickly. Only a minute ago, things were great and everyone was happy and talking about random things. Cleo glances over to Lewis, and notices that he has become really quiet, which isn't really like him, especially in an argument with Rikki. Those two probably bicker the most, even more than Emma and Rikki. Usually, it's all light hearted, but this felt a bit different, and it was clear to Cleo that Lewis knew it.

"Rikki, Lewis does more for us than you realise." Cleo speaks up to defend her boyfriend firmly.

"What, like leading a marine biologist to finding out mermaids actually exist? Dating a psycho who he stupidly let find out about mermaids and tried to kill us, and forced you to run away? Yeah, some help." Rikki seethes, her eyes narrowing. She definitely has not forgiven Lewis for Charlotte yet, which is probably why she's letting out all of her frustration now.

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