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Jungkook's mind swirled In placing missing puzzles places in his silence as he and Garry walked side by side, no one uttering a word,
Seems like he isn't the only one who's lost in thought

" pal "

" hmm "

Garry didn't make eye contact and neither did jungkook , it wasn't awkward or distant but something that they needed

" let's go to club "

Jungkook nodded, feeling himself needing some drink

The demon always looked displeased with other people affectionate gesture at his place, at that time he couldn't help but get annoyed for disrespecting them but now it seems clear that just because demon wasn't familiar and unable to feel it themselve he showed his displeasure

He remembers the time in cafe when couples were feeding each other, he asked about it curiously but when he used the word "love" ,he fell silent

He feels something terrible in his gut , he's pitying the demon Afterall love and affection is Such warm gesture without which he would loose his will to live or continue, keeping himself in demon's place he can understand the outbursts and fierce nature and need for dominance when spending whole life in loneliness

It doesn't matter for a demon if they are in hell, earth or Even heaven... They are bound to suffer in their ugly void

He sighs, this is not turning out good for him

" Garry "

Lip pierced guy wrapped his hands on his shoulder, urging him to continue

" have.. Uh.. Do you know if there's a way to go to earth? "

Garry gives a questioning look, definitely taken aback by this question

" i just want to know, it's okay if you don't know "

" Don't get sulky in my presence pal,  but sorry there's no way one can go anywhere from here willingly ,unless you don't belong here "

Jungkook feels defeated, how can he ask him how to go back without revealing he's not a soul or demon

" hey pal look, we are here "

Jungkook looked over, not really impressed
This club is well structured but it gives sweaty masculine smell from far away, he's almost a meter away and loud music is blasting in his ears, shaking his core.
He can see some drunk peop-souls both male and female in minimum clothing dancing and making out, laughing.

He suddenly feels very underaged though he's not, just the aura tells him that the least crime someone would have commited here would be poisoning someone's drink to get a entry

He gulps as he is pulled by hand in between sweaty bodies gliding disgustly at entry point, he feels air rush in his lungs when he gets inside

This place is large , scary bartender serving drinks to scarier people, women seducing men with their wicked smiles, jungkook cocoons himself getting closer himself to Garry to not get lost

The walls are tainted red over grey and he'll consider the red is of paint and nothing else, the floor is hard marble, lights all in dark colors mashing on the dance floor

" paaallll , ccoomme hhheerrree "
Garry screams over loud music and before Jungkook tells him that he don't need to prolong words only increase his volume for him to understand, he's pulled by his sweater toward the counter

" slow down "

Jungkook mumbles startled when finally they settle on one of backless chair in front of bartender ,
He makes one second eye contact with bartender and then looks sideways, already intimated by him who have plaster of 'fuck-off look' cemented on his beard face

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