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Poe sat restricted his body bloody and bruised. His eye's closed as he tried his best to rest.

"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance's on board" Kylo spoke as he entered the room. Poe opened his eye's watching Kylo who stood before him. He leaned forward

"Comfortable?" Kylo asked

"Not really" Poe answered.

"I'm impressed" Kylo said walking forward

"No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map"

"You might want to rethink your technique" Poe said. Kylo didn't respond just raised his hand in front of the pilot's face. Poe began grunting at the sharp pain that flooded his mind. He shot back hitting his head as the pain grew stronger

"Where is it?" Kylo questioned

"The Resistance will not be intimidated by you" Poe struggled as Kylo lifted him forward once more

"Where... is it?" Poe struggled continuing to fight before screaming in pain

"In my bee bee unit. Orange and white" He said before passing out. Kylo turned satisfied. He left the room approaching General Hux

"It's in a droid. A bee bee unit"

"Well, then, if it's on Jakku we'll soon have it" Hux replied

"I'll leave that to you"


The next morning Rey woke the girl just as the sun began rising. They hurried into the heat climbing onto Rey's quad jumper. BB-8 was in a sack against the side of the quad jumper as they headed into town. The higher the sun rose the more sweat fell from Amara's forehead. Once they reached town Amara hopped off the quad jumper helping Rey pull BB-8 from the side. Rey grabbed her sack of old parts throwing it over her shoulder. Amara stood off to the side watching the citizens wonder around blocking out Rey and BB-8's conversation. Rey came up behind the girl guiding her and the droid through the town to a stand.

"Do you mind helping?" Rey asked as she put the sack of parts onto a table.

"Not at all" Amara answered grabbing a brush and helping Rey scrub the years of dirt and sand from the parts. Once the two girls finished they reached a small hut in the middle. A line of all sorts of creature's lined up at a single window. Rey joined the line as Amara held a hand over her head trying to block the sun from her eyes.

"How do you deal with all this heat?" Amara asked kicking some sand disgusted "and sand?" Rey laughed at the girl

"You get used to it"

Amara found a ledge by the hut sitting out of the sun. BB-8 rolled at Rey's feet beeping at Amara every few minutes to make sure the girl was alright. Poe was the only thing on the girl's mind. She wanted to believe he got off planet before the explosion but there was no way of knowing for sure. She tried reaching out in the force for his presence but would quickly stop herself afraid her brother might feel her. Rey reached the front of the line placing her part's on the counter. Amara watched as Rey grabbed a stack of portion's before grabbing one and walking back toward her BB-8 beside her.


"Ren want's the prisoner" A storm trooper spoke as they entered the room. The storm trooper grabbed Poe pulling him from the room and down the hall his blaster pointed at the pilot

THE LOST JEDI///STAR WARS AUWhere stories live. Discover now