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Amara listened as the doors opened and foot steps echoed above her

"Han Solo" Amara made a face of disgust at the sound of the all to familiar voice of the Guivian death gangs leader, Bala-Tik

"You're a dead man" He added

"Bala-Tik. What's the problem?" Han questioned trying to play dumb

"The problem is we loaned you fifty thousand for this job" Amara's eye's widened

"Fifty thousand? Are you kidding me?" She whispered under her breath

"Can you see them?" Rey asked as the three looked through the holes in the grate

"No" Finn answered as Amara shook her head. They began crawling through the tunnel

"I heard you also borrowed fifty thousand from Kanjiklub" Amara took a deep breath knowing her father had himself wrapped up tight

"You know you can't trust those little freaks" Amara crawled behind Rey as she continued to listen to her father

"How long have we known each other?"

"They have blasters" Rey said coming to a stop

"A lot of them" Finn added

"Not long. We want our money back now"

"You think hunting Rathtars is cheap?" Han asked bewildered

"I spent that money"

"Kanjiklub wants their investment back, too" Bala-Tik said ignoring Han

"I never made a deal with Kanjiklub" Han exclaimed

"Tell that to Kanjiklub" Amara sighed as the doors on the other side of the hall opened. She looked at the other's the three of them knowing they where in trouble

"Tasu Leech good to see you" Han called out

"Wrong again, Solo. It's over for you" Amara rolled her eyes as he switched to his native language one Amara couldn't understand. Rey turned moving passed Amara crawling in the opposite direction. Amara and Finn following.

"Boys, you're both gonna get what I promised. Have I ever not delivered for you before?"

"Yeah" Bala-Tik called out at the same time as Tasu Leech

"What was the second time?" Han called out causing Amara to roll his eyes

"Your game is old. There's no one in the galaxy left for you to swindle"

"That bee bee unit the first order is looking for one just like it" Amara stopped as did the others. They shared a look once more

"And two fugitives" They look of shock on their face's turned to one of confusion knowing there was three of them. Amara thought for a minute before realizing. She was supposed to die the night Ben turned. If he some how figured out she was one of the fugitives he would have to lie so no one would know he left her alive.

"First I heard of it" Han responded. Amara crawled behind Rey once more before coming across a control panel. Rey crawled closer toward it the other's following

"If we close the blast doors in that corridor we can trap both gangs"

"We'll close the blast doors from here?' Finn questioned

"Resetting the fuses should do it" Rey pushed the fuses as the lights dimmed and loud echo's filled the ship

"I've got a bad feeling about this" Amara whispered as Rey turned toward them eye's wide.

THE LOST JEDI///STAR WARS AUWhere stories live. Discover now