Warnings, Disclaimers, & a Note From the Author

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Disclaimer: The characters and many lines of this story do not belong to me as the timeline directly follows the movie the Winter Soldier.
Credit to the writers of the movie and transcriptions used from wiki fandom.
I do not own any of the characters.

Warnings: This story does contain some foul language and mentions of death and blood/injury (non-graphic)

Note: This is the first time I've been able to write a whole chaptered story and I must say I'm very proud of the way it turned out. I know it's more of a setting with universe alterations and incredibly similar to the movie, but certain scenes in chapters and certain chapters themselves are original along with the content of the bonus chapters that will be posted separately. I hope you all enjoy reading just as much as I enjoyed writing :)

Regarding length: Regular Chapters (non-bonus) will range from 1500-3000 words. (Normally hitting somewhere in the middle)

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