Chapter 1

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Vampire Jeongguk is thrown out of the van and picked up by shady men. The handcuffs specially developed for vampires burn on his wrists and he doesn't like the blindfold that robs one more of his senses.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks through gritted teeth, spitting out the tiny amount of blood he could get from one of those idiots when they were distracted. Guy's such a failure, they should get rid of him.

"You will see soon Jeon, now shut up and rest. You will definitely need it." Jeongguk doesn't see the grin, but can hear it clearly in his voice.

"Enjoy this moment as long as you can, because soon you will beg my forgiveness." The one-sided grin Jeongguk shows looks promising and malicious.

The man pushes him into a room after ignoring his rather serious warning.

It's cold, but the vampire doesn't care. As an undead creature, he is already used to it. His body itself isn't warm either.

"Bring the demon over, we have to prepare his room for their torture." An unfamiliar, deep voice commands the men who brought the vampire. The air around Jeongguk suddenly changes. He can feel the fear these men exude. His tongue tingles at the thought of piercing their throbbing veins with his fangs until the last possible drop runs down his throat.

A wail can be heard. "I don't want to be the one to get him, he's literally the spawn of Satan. Kicked me in the balls and gave me a head-butt."

This makes Jeongguk laugh, he can't wait to meet said demon and plan their escape together. There's only one of them he really doesn't want to meet again, but it's zero chance that it will be him, right?

Without answering the fearful man, they lock Jeongguk up and leave. Probably to get the other one.

The vampire sits down on the floor, pulls the blindfold over his head with his hands still tied and adjusts to the darkness. "There isn't even a window or furniture," he scoffs. "They could at least have given me a chair or table to sit on."

The silence afterwards gets broken as the door opens again less than five minutes later. An all too familiar face comes into view and Jeongguk groans angrily. "Are you kidding me? Is that my punishment because if so, congratulations, you are successful. I already hate it." He crosses his arms over his chest to show his anger more.

"Jeon." The demon isn't amused either. His senses reached a higher level, he was aware that the younger one could attack him at any time.

"Kim." Jeongguk mumbles with a clearly audible dislike in his voice. "I'd say nice to see you again, but that would be a big lie."

"Well, isn't lying what you do best?" Taehyung counters and regrets every life decision that led him to that very moment. It will be a nightmare to be locked in one place with his archenemy. Cross that out, he'd kiss the shit out of him if he could. It's as clear as the night is dark that these feelings are not reciprocated. Over the years Taehyung has gotten used to the thought of not getting what he wants, so he takes whatever crumbs he can get to be close to him. While this means they'd fight and argue all the time, it's actually fun if he's honest, but that's not something he would ever admit out loud.

Jeongguk stands up and is ready to jump on the elder. Unfortunately, one of the kidnappers used a specially made injection which caused him to pass out in seconds.

"Ah, that's nice. He looks like an angel when he doesn't open his mou..." Taehyung cannot finish his sentence and faces the same fate as the vampire. His body falls to the ground and makes a loud noise.

The men laugh at them before they leave the room a second time and lock it.

It must be hours later when Jeongguk slowly opens his eyes and rubs the back of his head that hit the floor after being anesthetized.

"Shit. So it wasn't just a dream." He walks up to the demon who is still lying unconscious and uses his foot to nudge the side of the limp body. "It's too tempting, damn it."

"Try and you will be dead." Taehyung's eyes shoot open, red irises staring into the vampire's with an angry look.

Jeongguk raises his hands in surrender and only now notices the missing handcuffs on his wrists. "Finally!" He looks back at his enemy. "Okay Kim it hurts to say, but I'm really glad you're the one I got captured with." When did he change his mind? He doesn't know himself.

Taehyung slowly sits up and massages his temples. "And why is that? I can't remember that we are suddenly close." Unfortunately, otherwise he would be on top of him now, would make him beg for his cock and not give in until he says please. But now back to reality, as sad as it makes him.

"That's because iwe are not, just listen to me." The vampire leans forward to whisper to the demon, "For once, your ability to annoy people and get them to do things they normally don't do, is useful. We have to escape this hellhole - no offense."

"None taken."

"Yes, whatever." The younger goes on, "I've heard what they're up to, and I hate to say that I don't even want this to happen to you." Maybe he does, but right now he needs him and it would be wrong to tell him that.

Taehyung is curious now. "And what are you doing all the time? Are you watching me do all the work or what?" He can't believe it. Jeongguk lets others do the dirty work for him. Typical vampire.

"Well, I'll be your backup in case they try something unexpected. Oh, and of course I'll help you out of here using my speed." Jeongguk says sassily.

"You're not going to carry me, especially bridal style. I can read your damn mind!" He can't, it's just that Jeongguk's face tells him he guessed it right. Not that he doesn't want him to do just that, but he still has some pride and the bridal style is a no-go. Carrying him on his back is a much better idea.

"Well, as if I care. Let's just discuss how we're going to do it. There is not much time left and you are known as a lazy motherfucker." Jeongguk did not see the fist coming towards him. It lands on his stomach and makes him groan in pain. If a human had hit him he would laugh, but Taehyung is a demon and his strength isn't a joke. "What the hell, bastard, was that really necessary?"

A satisfied smile shows up on Taehyung's face. Not just because he was finally able to let out some steam, but also because he always wanted to touch those pretty impressive muscles, even if it's just with his fist. "Yeah, wanted to do that for a long time. Feels incredibly good, you wouldn't believe."

It takes everything in the vampire not to hit him, too. They have to work together and there's still time to get revenge once they're out of here, so he just smiles back. "Don't get used to it, I can only take so much before I really k-word you."

"What are you, fourteen? Who the hell is saying K-word these days? There's no police going to arrest you for saying kill. Man, you're a lost case." Taehyung shakes his head and can't believe Jeongguk is using social media slang. It's not that he doesn't use Twitter or any other platform, but he's one of those people who makes fun of others who use Twitter jargon, especially in real-life situations.

"Shut up, asshole. Just because I'm having fun in my life doesn't mean you can call me out for it. I'm sorry for you, I'm not gonna lie." With a deep sigh, Jeongguk walks away from him, leans against a wall and looks at anything but the other. There isn't really much to see but who cares, the wall has some interesting stains and a few look like animals or other fun things.

"Child." Taehyung mumbles loudly enough for the younger to hear.

"Boomer." The vampire replies just as loudly.

They should probably be working on a real plan to get out of here, however, neither of them are ready to work with the other. Both are too proud to be the one to take the first step after their argument. Who knows when the men will come back to pick them up for their torture.

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