Chapter 7

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"Hey!" Jimin yells. "If you don't show us their hiding place soon, I'll get angry. I don't feel like watching you having sex." Well, he wouldn't mind seeing a little peek show. Maybe he could even get inspiration and try a few things with his own boyfriend. Live porn, nothing beats that.

"What?" Jeongguk gasps. "We didn't plan... We never would... Well, follow me." With one last look at the demon, he finally moves.

They walk past old trees, baby trees, bushes and a few animals for hours. The forest is really beautiful and Taehyung, as well as Jeongguk, have to admit that it would be nice to live here. Waking up to the chirping birds or going to bed with an owl's lullaby doesn't sound too bad. Maybe that could become reality in the future.

When the house doesn't show up after twenty minutes, Seokjin gets annoyed. "We don't have all day. Just say you don't remember where it is and save us all the time we're going to waste here." He's tired and didn't sleep through the night because he could feel that something was wrong.

"I could swear we passed it by now. Is it possible that you can hide a big ass house from others?" Taehyung is also frustrated, his ability to find things is usually incredibly good. The devil always sends him on a search for the foul souls and even if they hide very well from him, he finds them without exception. So why is it not possible to track down these stupid, ordinary humans?

Jimin looks up when he hears this. "It's actually possible," turns to Seokjin, "do you think they have anything to do with this?"

The older warlock rubs his chin. "Maybe they joined the dark side not long ago. I think we should go back and talk to Joon." The leader will know what to do, they shouldn't continue without Namjoon's knowing anyway.

Jimin can only agree. "Yes, but what to do with the two of them?" He points to the whispering couple, who communicate wildly with their hands and look funny.

Jeongguk stops after noticing the sudden silence of the warlocks and squintes to see what they are talking about. He feels like they've probably used some magic to make sure vampires can't overhear the conversation.

"Let's just take the boys with us, they are definitely not a threat to us." Seokjin goes to the not-so-unequal couple and places a hand on one of their shoulders. "Do you think you can act like good boys when we're in our coven?"

They roll their eyes and Taehyung answers for both of them. "Of course, I don't want to be cursed by you." A degrading tattoo will last a lifetime, he doesn't have to add bad luck or a curse to it.

"Well let's go then, it's a long way back." By this he means a walk of at least three hours.

Jeongguk has no problem with that, unlike Taehyung, whose feet ache like hell after two hours. "Aren't we there soon? I have to sit down." He rubs his ankle to ease the pain. Lets out a whimper when he feels a sting there.

Before Seokjin or Jimin can answer him, Jeongguk crouches in front of Taehyung. "Jump up, I'll carry you." It's not that he suddenly likes Kim more than he should, the vampire is just fed up with waiting and doesn't like being unable to move forward.

Taehyung's eyes widen in amazement. He giggles, ignoring the strange feeling in his stomach, knows exactly what it means. "Are you sure? I'm pretty heavy." Of course he isn't, but what else could he have said in order not to sound too excited?

"Oh please, I'm a vampire. Just do it or you'll have to walk yourself. Last chance now." Jeongguk counts backwards, starting at ten.

Taehyung immediately jumps on him and puts his legs around his middle and his arms around his muscular neck - déjà-vu. "Thank you." Whispers breathlessly in his ear, warm air hits the cold earlobe and makes the younger one tremble. Taehyung tries hard to hold back and not bite the neck, which would leave markings on the inviting, soft skin he loves so much. Why does Jeongguk have to be so hot? This is so opposite to his body temperature.

The warlocks watch them in disbelief. Are they flirting right in front of their eyes? They both start walking home with a shake of their head, followed by a groaning vampire and a smiling demon. Great, Jimin can hardly wait to arrive and catch hell because they brought strangers into the circle.

The four reach the small village, which has only eight huts, a goat and cowshed and another, but very large, stable for hay and other things. Just before they arrived, Seokjin told them there were seven people living here. One of them is currently running towards the small group.

"Jin, Chim. You have a lot to explain." A tall man greets them out of breath. His expression is serious and it makes the strangers shudder. He doesn't seem to be someone they could have fun with.

Jeongguk loosens his grip on Taehyung's legs, which means that the demon is now much too close behind him; the older's front body is pressed against his own back. The warmth that he gave him all the time while carrying him could still be felt and Jeongguk doesn't want to lose that feeling again. Maybe he's changed his mind about Taehyung, he's not as bad as he initially thought. You can't blame him for it, he was always of the opinion that the demon had let him down.

Jimin steps forward and hugs his boyfriend like they haven't seen each other in months. "I'm sorry, baby, we found the reason our birds went crazy," then turns Namjoon's head to fix his gaze on the strangers. "They were captured by traffickers for supernaturals, luckily they could escape. After we tried unsuccessfully to find the building, we came back to report to you." He uses his puppy eyes and hopes his lover won't be mad at him. Hadn't even told him that he wanted to leave the village to get to the bottom of the problem. He's Park Jimin, this look is always successful on Namjoon. As if on command, Namjoon's facial features relax.

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