Chapter 5 - Digging Deep

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Being with Akechi gave me constant butterflies. I've never felt like this before. I'm usually a pissed off bitch being around my dad and brother all the time but Akechi has never made me feel like that. And he really talks your head off. 

We've been studying for about an hour and I was starting to get antsy.

"Akechi, this is so boring." I complain. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"How are you going to be top of the class if you don't review class materials?" He asks me. "You said you didn't want to fall behind. If you want to stay ahead you can become top of the class. Now wouldn't that be an accomplishment? You'd see your name ranked number 1 out of all the test scores."

"Would that be cool? Yes. But do I have the drive to do that? Absolutely not. I love that you believe in me that much though." I say and give him a hug.

He pats my head. "I just want you to believe in yourself. You can do anything you want to do y/n. Even if you think you can't, I'll always be here to support you. Okay?"

He kisses my head.

"You're too nice to me." I lightly blush. 

"Would you rather me be mean to you? I could never. It wouldn't feel right. I'm never really mean to anyone unless it's unintentional. Sometimes my constant talking rubs people the wrong way because I'm very truthful and observant. At my old school I'd often get into trouble with the others students in my class. I'd get bullied a lot but I tried not to let it bother me. It was my own fault for oversharing you know?" He explains.

"That is not a valid reason Akechi!" I shout and hug him even tighter. "Violence is never the answer, okay?"

"Of course I know that. I was just saying I understood where they were coming from. I'm sure anyone would be annoyed by someone who wouldn't stop talking while on top of that was pointing stuff out that they might not have wanted to be talked about." He replies. "And you're kind of making it hard for me to breathe."

"Oh sorry." I exclaim loosening my grip. "I just really care about you and the thought of anyone hurting you severely pisses me off. I'd just like to give them a nice punch in the face."

"What happened to violence never being the answer?" Akechi asks me.

"It's okay if it's the name of justice." I reply.

"'In the name of justice?' What are you a superhero? That was a very superhero-esque line. Speaking of superheroes, if you were to be a superhero what would your superhero name be? Super-Y/n?" Akechi rambles.

"Super-Y/n? Now that's not very clever." I retort.

"Actually sometimes you act more like a villain. You're pretty negative and you're kind of violent.."

"Akechi!" I shout and slap his arm.

"See! Violent tendencies!" He laughs.

"I brought snacks!" Akechi's mom says coming into the room. She sets them down at his desk. 

"Thank you!" We say in unison.

"Of course." She smiles. "Make sure you guys are getting that schoolwork completed okay?"

"Yes mom." Akechi responds.

"We will." I reply.

"Good." She smiles again. "If you need anything else let me know!"

She leaves the room and closes the door.

"You're mom is so sweet." I say.

"Yeah she is. I'm glad she seems happier now." Akechi agrees.

My Talkative Boyfriend || (Akechi x Reader) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now