Chapter 1 - New Friend

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Why does this have to happen to me? It's the middle of the school year and I have to switch schools now? All because my stupid brother wanted to go to a high school not even remotely close to our old house. Now I'm going to be going to this school called PK Academy. Why did our parents even let him attend a new school in the middle of the year??

"Y/n are you ready for school or what?" My stupid brother (brother's name, b/n) asks.

"Give me a minute!" I shout back agitated.

Just great. My hair looks like utter garbage and this uniform looks awful on me. I mean sure it's cute but it just really doesn't suit me. At all...

I stop looking in my mirror before I have a mental breakdown and head downstairs. My schoolbag is by the door and I take hold of it.

"Where's b/n?" I ask my dad since I don't see him anywhere.

"He left. He said you were taking too long." My dad replied. "I'd hurry up. You don't want to be late to your first day."

"Alright, alright." I exclaim with my bag in hand and head out the door.

My dad had already driven me to my school before so I knew where to walk. At least I know I won't get lost...

After a couple minutes of walking it starts to get a little darker out.

"What the hell?" I say as I feel raindrops start to pour on me.

Of course I'd forget an umbrella. Why didn't my dad tell me it was going to rain?

I hug myself to try and keep warm. I'm shivering since the rain made it two times colder outside.

I should've brought a jacket. Why did I come so underprepared??

"Hello! I see you don't have an umbrella and mine is actually quite large. I'm not really sure why I have such a large umbrella my mother was actually the one to purchase it. Either way that's irrelevant and your soaked. I know it might seem pointless to ask but would you like to use my umbrella. Since it's so large we can both easily fit underneath it. And I notice you're wearing a PK Academy uniform just like me so we'll be going to the same place I imagine." He finishes.

Dang this dude is very chatty. He has a point though and I'm sick of having this rain ruin my life.

"That's very kind of you, thank you." I say and walk over to him and stand underneath the umbrella with him.

"I had no idea it was going to rain today but my mother always tells me to keep an umbrella in my bag just in case. It's really annoying and gets in the way of my school supplies but I'd rather be dry then soaked even if it doesn't rain every single day. I don't think I've seen you around what grade are you in? Are you a new student? You must be a new student. Did you transfer here? You had to have transferred since it's the middle of the year. I was a transfer student too. It was actually really funny because I met this guy Kusuo in elementary school and he was my first friend. I also used to pee my pants a lot. Sometimes I still do. Kusuo is in my class. He acts like he hates everyone and it's kind of annoying but you just get used to it. I wonder who's class you're going to be in. I'm guessing you're a second year just like me and I bet you might even be in my class! Pretty much every single transfer student that goes to PK Academy and is a second year ends up in my class. At least that's what I've heard. Kusuo happens to be in the same class. I wonder if it's because the school thinks he's the main character of some manga or tv show? It's kind of odd but I guess I'd understand. He is quite an unusual person but that's not for me to share. Are you excited for you first day?" He finally finishes babbling.

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