Chapter 2 - Nightmares

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TW: Please be aware that this chapter gets rough and contains gruesome details including murder and animal death. 

After reviewing all of the footage I finally made the long drive home. My back and arms were sore and I was beyond exhausted. My mind wandered to the young officer at the crime scene.

I kind of feel bad for him. I mean, he's new and has no idea what he'll actually be seeing at these crime scenes. Maybe I could help him, talk to him, and guide him in the right path. That way he can know what to-

Before I knew it, my car crashed into something. My voice let out a terrifying scream as I dug fingers into the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. The object then hit my windshield and cracked the entire thing, almost breaking and falling through. I prayed to God as my car turned and then stopped abruptly. Lunging me forward but the airbag stopped me from flying out of the car. 

After a minute of sitting in shock i stumbled out of the car and looked down my body. I had burns on my arms from the airbag and a bright red mark from the seatbelt. Plus I had a very bad headache. 

I heard a strange sound coming from the other side of the car. It was high pitched and definitely not human. I slowly made my way over and there it was. A deer laying on the ground. I moved faster so I could get to the animal.  Its blood covered my hands as I gently rested them on its stomach.

It lifted its head and looked at me with its black, glossy eyes.

"Im so sorry." I whispered.

It lowered its head and looked off to the distance. Its chest slowed and finally stopped rapidly going up and down. I let out a long sigh and tried to keep composure as I stood up. I turned to the passenger side door and opened it, reaching for my phone. 

I quickly dialed the one person i knew would come get me, Chief Andrews.

"Hello?" His deep, raspy voice filled the line.

"H-hey. I-I-I need y-you to c-come get m-m-me." I stuttered. I thought I was composed but once I started speaking it all fell apart.

"Calm down. Are you ok?"

I took a few deep breaths before trying again, "I hit a deer and it broke my windshield and it went back into the woods and i need you to come get me cause its three in-"

"Stop rambling, I'm coming. Try to calm down. It's ok." He said calmly.


"Stay there. I'm on my way."

Right after he hung up the phone, I tried my best not to cry. I held my head and paced, taking deep breaths. 

I then called 911. 

"Don't you dare cry. Girls don't cry. Get yourself together."  My fathers faint words echoed in my head.  

I took one more deep breath and waited.

It had been 10 minutes and I was hoping he was close. My body was sat on the hood of the car and I stared ahead of me. I wanted to go home and shower, get myself together and then lay in my soft, warm, bed.

Bright headlights pulled up behind me and Chief stepped out in flannel pajama pants and a v-neck black t-shirt. I hopped off the car and started towards him.

"Wheres the deer?" He questioned.

"I'm okay. I just got a few burns and maybe a concussion. My car's kind of busted and I'm having an emotional breakdown. Thanks for worrying." I snapped as I gave him a sarcastic thumbs-up.

His face softened and he pulled me in, wrapping his arms around me. 

"I'm sorry. Are you ok?" he whispered.

"Im fine Christopher. I called 911 and they are on their way. Can you give me a ride home after I talk to them?" I spoke cooly and pushed him away.

"Of course." He said and as if on question the bright lights and sirens pulled up. 

The paramedics checked me out and told me I was okay. I talked to an officer and filled out a report. 

About an hour later I asked, "Can I please go home? I have a ride right here." I pointed at Christopher. 

"Yes. Remember what the paramedics told you and stay safe." 

Christopher put his arm on the small of my back and guided me to his truck.

"Drive safe chief!" The officer hollered. 

"You too, Jerry!" 

We hopped into the truck and I leaned my head against the window. 

"Are you ok?" 


He nodded and turned the key while I closed my eyes. 

When I opened them again, I was in the basement where that woman had been found. But she was alive. And screaming.

"Please! Anyone help me!" Her curdled screams filled the room. 

She sat in the center of the room in a wooden chair. One single lightbulb hung from the ceiling above her.

"I'm here! I am right here! I'm going to help you!" I yelled to her.

She didn't acknowledge me. I tried moving my legs to get to her but they were stuck in place.

"Im here!" I struggled.

She immediately stopped her petrified screams once the door at the top of the stairs opened. Bright light flooded in and a dark silhouette stood in the doorframe. Her face scrunched up into an ugly snarl. Tears still fell down her face. 

She remained completely silent. 

He took slow, tedious steps down. With each step the wood creaked and she just sat there with her face scrunched up. He finally reached the bottom and walked towards her.

Once he got close enough she hissed, "Get away from me." then she spit on his shoes.

He looked down and back up at her. He raised a hand and wagged his finger.

"That wasn't very nice." His voice sounded like a fake one, one that was being covered by a voice modifier. It was menacing. 

"Please." She said barely above a whispered. 

He sat on her lap and straddled her. He grabbed her chin with one hand and forced her to look at him.

"You've made me do this!" His deep, modified voice roared. It sounded like the devil speaking.

"Stop! Get off her!" I yelled, still struggling to move.

He pulled a knife out from his pocket of the black hoodie he had on. He raised it up and brought it down into her. He did it over and over and over again, muting the girls terrified screams. After what seemed like a thousand times, he stood up and dropped the bloody knife on the floor.  

He stood there staring at her.

"No!" I dropped to my knees.

He slowly turned around. 

He chanted my name, getting louder with each time he said it. 

"Karrey! Karrey! Karrey!"

"No!" I covered my ears with my hands. 



Authors Note

Hey Nerds! Wow. That was quite a different chapter. This was kind of a hard chapter to write but I think it turned out good. Please remember to comment and vote! Thanks for reading! 

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