Chapter 2

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  After that, things changed rapidly for everyone. Shadow and Sonic became close friends and calmed down on their rivalry. Shadow was also able to get along with the rest of the gang, getting close to them as family. He even started fighting in battles against Eggman (which really got under his skin!). Things seemed to be really going good for the gang. Especially for the two hedgehogs who had become so close to one another and soon became best friends. After a couple of weeks, things really shifted from how things usually were. It changed one night when they were in a restaurant, hanging out like old friends. "Dude, you've gotta teach me that move!" Sonic told him as they settled into their seats. "Sure thing Faker. You'll have to keep up though!" Shadow replied. They talked some more until a small basket of fries was brought out.

"Ooh! Don't mind if I do!" Sonic replied cheerily. At the same time, Shadow reached for a fry, both didn't calculate what they were doing.

Instead of getting a munchy fry, they touched each others' hands and froze. Not knowing what to do, they just stayed that way for a while. Soon they felt their fingers entwine with each other. They wanted to let go but something deep inside wouldn't let them let go of each other. "Hello again! Are you guys ready to order?" asked the waitress who came up.

That's when they let go of each other and looked down awkwardly. They ordered their food and were able to avoid eye contact until they finished with their dinner. Once they left the restaurant, they walked back, trying their best to look at each other. Finally, Sonic looked up with a concerned look before speaking. "Hey, um... what happened back there... it was an accident ya know." Sonic told him at last. Suddenly, Shadow stopped walking and faced the blue hedgehog. "Am I the only one that feels this... connection between us?" Shadow asked curiously. "L-Like... like a strong connection?" Sonic replied. "Yeah... I guess you could say that." Shadow sighed. They continued to look down at the ground but then smiled after a few moments. "I-I think... I think I like you Shadow... a lot." Sonic told him at last. Shadow didn't say anything but held the blue hedgehog's hands in his. "Damn. You really made fall for you faker." Shadow teased. Both of them walked back home, hand-in-hand all the way back to their place. When they walked through the door and it was shut, Shadow didn't hold back anymore.

He pulled Sonic in and gave him a small peck on his lips. Taken off guard, Sonic didn't know how to react. When Shadow took his lips away from Sonic's, he looked away but then messed with his quills. "I'm sorry... I should've asked first." he told him. "Can I do something?" Sonic asked and Shadow nodded. That's when Sonic pulled Shadow in close to him and gave him a kiss unlike any other. They stood there until they moved to the couch where they kissed some more. "S-Shadow, w-we gotta stop!" Sonic cried breaking the kiss. Immediately, Shadow for the fear of hurting Sonic got off of him. "Can we go to bed? I'm tired." Sonic pleaded. "I'll do whatever you want me to do." Shadow reassured and carried him off to the bedroom where they could get comfy. In bed, they shared more tender kisses and just gazed at each other for a long time. "Hey, Shadow?" "Yes?" "Does this make us anything? An item?" Sonic asked him. "If you want us to be!" Shadow replied. Sonic smiled and cuddled into Shadow's chest and looked up at him. "Can we be a thing then?" he asked cutely. "Of course." Shadow replied and gave Sonic one last kiss before going to sleep. The next day they decided to the gang to break the news. Everyone was thrilled about their relationship. "OMG Sonic! I'm so happy for you! You guys are so cute together!" Amy squealed as she hugged the two hedgehogs. "Alright Sonic, you snagged one!" Tails cheered. "If I ever hear that you hurt him, I'll smash your face in!" Knuckles warned but smiled at the same time. "Don't worry, I could never hurt this blue blur!" Shadow reassured holding Sonic close.

"Kiss! We wanna see the kiss!" Amy cheered. "Alright then!" Shadow told them. He grabbed Sonic tightly, swooped him close to the ground before giving him a passionate kiss. "He's such a good kisser, you guys!" Sonic told them as he was now love-struck. All of them continued to cheer for the new couple as the two lovebirds continued to kiss. For a long while, everything was good and the gang continued to have fun together. Shadow and Sonic's new relationship was wonderful overall. They had their moments like any other couple but were able to solve them in the end. One fight however made them fall weak.

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