Chapter 3

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 It was one night that they were making on the couch that would make Sonic uncomfortable. They were deep into their relationship since it had been a few months since they started dating. As you might've guessed that they were more touchy-feely with each other. Except when Shadow was holding down Sonic, he got handsy near his hips and thighs. But then got way too close to a certain area. Sonic realized this and tried pushing his hand away. When that didn't work, he tried shifting his position. When Sonic became super upset, he finally used all the force he had and pushed Shadow off of him. "STOP IT!" Sonic cried out. Shadow looked at him shocked but he tried to apologize. "I'm sorry Sonic! I'm sorry." he replied. Although when he went to hug him, Sonic pushed him away slapped Shadow rather hard. "I clearly gave you hints that I don't want to be touched there! You can NEVER take a hint!" Sonic snapped. That made Shadow angry and he got up and went to his closet to grab a jacket. "Where are you going!" Sonic demanded. "I'm going out! Maybe then I don't have to be such a pain!" Shadow snapped. "If you wouldn't invade my space all the time, you wouldn't be a pain!"

"Well maybe you need to stop being so sensitive about it! GOD!" "I'm allowed to feel violated! You're invading my space!" "You never really let me do anything! You're too soft!" "Don't you EVER think about anyone besides yourself?" "Of course I do! YOU!" "Well doesn't seem like it!" "Can't I ever get a break? I already said that I was sorry!" "I wish I could get a break from YOU! It's a wonder why I don't get ahead and leave your useless self!"

Right after he said that Shadow's expression was sad and upset. "Sh-Shadow I didn't mean-" he began. But Shadow was so upset that he raced out the door and left. Sonic tried to stop him but it was too late. Both were in their own places sulking to themselves. Usually, they wouldn't see or talk to each other, and then by a certain point the other would be home and everything would be fixed. When Sonic looked at the clock and saw that it was getting dark, he began to worry about Shadow. He put on his shoes and dashed out the door. He looked everywhere for Shadow but couldn't find him anywhere. "Shadow! Shadow where are you! Please, where are you!" Sonic cried. He searched and searched until he just couldn't anymore, then sat down. He let it all out in an empty alleyway and kept crying Shadow's name. Suddenly, Scrouge the hedgehog came upon him and had a dirty trick up his sleeves. "Why hello... Sonic." he snickered. Surprised and scared to see him, Sonic got off the ground. "Scrouge... what are you doing here?" he asked timidly. "I could ask you the same thing ya little freak." he taunted.

He pushed Sonic into the brick wall and held his arms tight. "S-Stop! Let me go!" he begged. "Sorry, can't. Now, don't you dare fight back." Scrouge threatened and slammed Sonic into the ground.

In the alleyway, both struggled to get power over the other. "Stop it! Just stop fighting!" Scrouge snapped. "Leave me alone!" Sonic snapped and scratched Scourge's face. When he did, Sonic noticed that Scrouge pulled something out of his back pocket. Sonic was flipped over and his head was pushed into the ground. He felt something being tied around his mouth. At this point, Sonic was terrified and began to cry. Why is he doing this? He wondered, fearing for his life wishing someone would come for him. Shadow... I'm sorry. For the next few minutes, Scrouge hit, whipped, and hurt Sonic in all the ways possible. Before he could do any more damage, Scrouge felt a tap on his shoulder so he looked around. "What!" he demanded. Suddenly, Sonic felt the weight being lifted off of him and rolled over on his side. It was hard to see what was happening in the dark, but he heard the protests of beatings and angry shouts. After hearing thuds against the cement, he saw the red streaks and his emotions overwhelmed him. "Sfadow?" he asked, his voice muffled, tears welled in his eyes.

Shadow turned around and his angry emotions turned to fear and worry. "SONIC!" Shadow cried. Shadow was horrified by the way Sonic was when he took a better look. He took out the dirty bandana, untied him, and then held him close. "I'm s-sorry Sh-Shadow. I'm sorry!" Sonic cried. "No, no don't be! I pushed it and didn't listen! And besides that, I made you worried that you came all the way out here! You're so bruised and bloody too..." Shadow cried. "But I hurt you Shads!" Sonic wailed. "You've been forgiven. I'm taking you home." Shadow replied, smiling before picking him up and carrying him bridal style. Sonic held onto Shadow and looked to see Scrouge lying in the alleyway in a pool of his own blood. Deciding not to question him, he held on tighter to Shadow as they continued to walk home. Once home, Shadow helped Sonic better after he was horribly beaten and cut near his ribs. "I love you. I'm so sorry Sonic." Shadow told him. "I've already forgiven you, faker." Sonic sighed and kissed his cheek. Shadow held his blue boyfriend and wouldn't let go of him because he was too scared to. "I'm not leaving you Shadow. I'll be right here." Sonic reassured as he snuggled. Finally, both felt better and fell asleep in each other's arms.

A week or so after the incident, the gang met up again because Amy had some news. "So what's the big news Ames?" Sonic asked. "So, you guys are gonna be blown away, but I just got a letter in the mail, and it's from Blaze!" she announced. "Wow really? What's it say?" Tails asked excitedly. "That's why I brought you all here, so we can look it at it together!" Amy explained. "Well, what are you waiting for? Open it up!" Knuckled encouraged, nudging her gently to open the letter. She started opening the letter and taking out the contents to the stuff inside.

"It says; Dear Amy and friends, it's been so tough up in the mountains, trying to find the chaos emeralds. Rough found 3 in a deadly cave that was collapsing. She managed to get them though, I guess being a bat has its benefits! Silver managed to find 2 in a huge lake with a bunch of mazes and murky waters. It took him a little while to find it but he did! Believe it or not, I found the last ones with a grizzly bear, and thankfully I was able to get it without being harmed. We've had to watch out for Eggman's robots trying to steal them. There has also been a hostile situation where we weren't sure we'd be able to leave in one piece. However, things are much better and we're glad to say that we'll be back in 5 days! Sincerely Blaze! EEEK!" Amy squealed, jumping out of her seat. Everyone else cheered and raised a toast. After having lunch, Shadow and Sonic walked back, arm-in-arm, both had smiles on their faces. "I'm excited! All our friends will be back!" Sonic geeked. "Me too. I'll be since to see Rouge, Blaze, and Silver! Especially Silver! You know what I mean?" Shadow replied. At first, Sonic felt a bit hurt by the comment for some reason but then brushed it off.

"Y-Yeah, me too!" he replied. Looking down at him, Shadow kissed Sonic's forehead, making Sonic blush a little bit. "I love you cutie. My blue blur boyfriend." he murmured and began putting an arm around him, pulling him tightly. Sonic immediately felt better knowing his boyfriend truly cared for him deeply and hugged him tightly.

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