Chapter 4

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The days went by and finally the day they've been waiting for finally arrived. They went to the train station to see their friends. Right as the main part where everyone got off, they saw them getting off of it, hauling their bags with them. "OMG!" Amy cheered and went to go tackle Blaze. "I'm so happy to see you guys!" she squealed. "Okay! Okay! We've missed you too!" Blaze laughed hugging her bestie. "Hey sweets! How's it going?" Rouge greeted as the guys approached her. "It's nice to see you Rouge!" Tails greeted as he hugged her. "It's nice to have you back." Knuckles smiled, then hugged her sweetly. "Good to see you too hun." she replied getting close to him. "Ey Rouge! It's been a while!" Sonic said greeting her. "I could say the same way! Good to know that both my favorite hedgehogs are doing alright!" she replied hugging them both. "It's really good to see you Rouge, it's been too long! Where's Silver?" Shadow asked looking around. "Right behind you!" Silver announced. Both right away hugged for a long moment before doing secret handshakes and cracking jokes.

While everyone was happy overall, Sonic became a little bit annoyed with Shadow enjoying someone else's company but brushed it off thinking it was nothing but silly thoughts. After seeing them, they were able to catch up more at their favorite cafe. "Gosh, I've missed real food! This croissant is amazing!" Blaze gasped as she dug into the bread. "Tell me about it! How I've missed caffeine!" Silver added. "Blaze, Rouge, there's this new shop in town that has the cutest little dresses! I've got to take you!" Amy told them excitedly. "For sure, let's go!" Rouge grinned excitedly. "Cya boys! We'll catch up soon!"

With that final goodbye, all the girls left leaving the guys. "Wanna catch a movie? There's a new one I've been dying to see!" Shadow asked Silver. "Yeah let's do it!" Silver replied. "But I thought you and Sonic-" Tails began but then quickly Sonic bumped him gently. "It's been a while since you've gotten to hang out. Go have fun!" Sonic encouraged. "Thanks. I'll be back soon!" Shadow reassured as they ran off so excitedly. Sonic watched a little gloomily as they ran off so happy seeing him with someone closer to Shadow than himself but quickly brushed it off. He's not gonna forget you, dummy! Sonic told himself. "But Sonic, I thought you and Shadow were excited to see it together?" Tails wondered as he noticed Sonic's expression. "It fine! Honest! Besides, I can always see it with you guys or something!" he reassured, yet he wasn't so sure he felt confident in his decision. "As long as you're alright. Wanna go to the beach at least?" Knuckles asked. "Sure, let's go!" Tails cheered. So off they went and had a good day as did everyone else as they hung out with one another. After that day things between the two lovebirds seemed to slip. Sonic started to notice that Shadow was hanging out with Silver a lot and didn't seem to have the time for him. A few days in a row turned into a few weeks. Then from there, it seemed so endless. Most of the time Sonic really didn't mind other than feeling a little bit gloomy, but it was one night that hit him hard.

"Hey, Shadow, where are we going tonight?" he asked excitedly. "What do you mean? I thought you were staying back." Shadow asked him confused by Sonic's question. "Why would I stay back on our three-year anniversary? It's our night!" Sonic replied happily. Shadow's face turned to a shocked expression and looked so guilty. "Oh my god! How could I forget?" he gasped. "Listen, we've had some huge thing with the group and I promised to be there. I'm helping them win a huge fighting match! I promise you, I'll make it up to you." Shadow reassured, his voice frantic. Sonic thought his heart might pop out and break. The one time he thought he could have Shadow had failed and he didn't have a chance anymore. "O-Ok! It's f-fine! Don't worry about it!" he replied at last. Shadow smiled and kissed his head. "You're the best! Love you!" Shadow praised before speeding out the door.

When he was sure he was gone, Sonic sunk down to the floor and tears welt up in his eyes. He sobbed a bit more before finally getting himself together. Right after he went straight to Tails' and Knuckles' place, knocked on the door, and waited. Tails opened the door and became worried, yet he knew what was wrong. "Did he blow you off again?" he asked. Sonic nodded, tears flowing down his face. "Oh Sonic..." Tails sighed and hugged his big brother. "C'mon inside. I'll make some cider!" Tails told him, letting him inside. Right then, Knuckles walked into the room and noticed his friends. "Dude, what happened?" he asked shocked. Sonic was too upset so Tails went up to him. "Shadow blew him off again... and it's their three-year anniversary." Tails explained quietly. "What? I'm gonna kill him!" Knuckles snapped. "Not now! Sonic needs us!" Tails snapped.

They finally attended to their friend by helping him feel better about everything. "Ever since Silver came back, Shadow never has time for me! I feel like an option to him!" he wailed, as he vented out his problems. "Hey, you don't have to take that! If he can't spend time with the best hedgehog ever, then you're too good for him!" Tails replied. "Tails is right! Shadow's an idiot for avoiding you and making excuses. You can do way better than that." Knuckles reassured. "Thanks. But I don't think I could ever leave him... I love him too much." Sonic replied sadly. "Well... whatever you decide to do, just know we've always got your back." Tails reassured. Sonic smiled and they decided to play some games and binge-watched tv-shows for a little bit. After a few hours, they heard the doorbell ring. Knuckles got up and answered the door. "Oh. It's Shadow," he told them rudely as they got up. Sonic started to tear up a bit but headed towards the door anyway. "Uh, hello to you too? Is Sonic here? He wasn't at home." he asked. That's when Sonic went past Knuckles briefly but then shoved right past Shadow who was taken off guard. "Did something happen?" he asked worriedly.

"Why don't ask him yourself, jerk." Knuckles snapped. "You're the worst boyfriend ever!" Tails snapped, then Knuckles slammed the door in Shadow's face. Concerned, Shadow raced back home to see what was going on.

Sonic reached his house when he noticed that Silver was waiting by the door. "Oh, Sonic! I just wanted to give this to Shadow, he left it at the arena place!" Silver explained. "Thanks. Bye Silver." Sonic replied and snatched the wallet before heading inside and slamming the door. Silver was taken aback but felt relieved to see Shadow coming up. "Shad! Is something wrong with Sonic? He seemed so upset and angry." Silver asked him. "That's what I'm trying to figure out. I'll catch up with you later Silv, night!" Shadow replied before heading into the house. Once inside, Shadow looked around for Sonic, trying to find out what happened. "Sonic! Sonic where are you?" he asked searching for him.

He then noticed that the bathroom light was on. He tried opening the door but it was locked. "Sonic, can I please come in?" Shadow pleaded. Sonic was so upset and angry that he didn't want to let Shadow inside at all. But eventually with some persistence, Sonic opened up the bathroom door where Shadow sat down on the ground with him. He tried reaching out to hold Sonic's arm, but he barely pulled away. He avoided eye contact and stayed quiet. "Please talk to me." Shadow pleaded as he messed with Sonic's quills. Angrily and tearfully Sonic snapped around to face the black and red hedgehog. "You're always gone! It's like I'm an option to you! And all you do is run away from me!" Sonic tearfully cried out.

"Today I thought I'd finally get to spend time with you, but once again I'm your second priority! I don't feel loved or wanted at all! I HATE IT!" he cried and let all his emotions pour out. Shadow had an awful feeling in his chest and gently pulled Sonic in close. "I'm sorry blue... I didn't know you felt that way. I was just happy to reunite with Silver and the others. I guess I just didn't think about how it might make you feel if I hung out with them more. I love you ok? I'm sorry I skipped out on a day that I should've spent with you. I'm really, really, really sorry. You mean everything to me. I'll be better for you alright?"

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