Chapter 5

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Once Sonic calmed down, he wiped his eyes and looked up at Shadow. "You mean it?" Sonic asked calming down. "Of course I do! I'm sorry I even neglected you so badly. I was caught up in other things that didn't really matter. I love you so much!" Shadow he replied. They shared a passionate kiss before heading off to bed and holding each other close. The next couple of weeks seemed to be improving for both of them when they finally took the time to spend time with one another. However... that would all change.

"Hey blue, do you mind if Silver comes over?" Shadow asked. "Sure I guess so." Sonic replied somewhat annoyed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't stay long."

At last, Sonic agreed and decided to have a good attitude about it. When Silver came, he and Shadow were mainly the ones laughing and joking around, leaving Sonic to feel left out. "Well, thanks for having me over! It's been so great!" Silver told them. "No worries, you're always welcome here!" Shadow replied. Quietly Sonic nodded his head, then headed into the kitchen. I should make cinnamon rolls! That should make me have a better attitude towards Silver! Sonic thought to himself and got to work making the treat. While he was baking, Silver and Shadow joked around and talked a whole bunch about different things. Then Shadow noticed that Silver looked a little bit down. "Hey, is everything ok?" he asked concerned. "Not really... but... can I ask you something?" Silver asked worry were in his eyes. "Of course, what is it?" "Is it... is it wrong to like someone that's close to you? Like a best friend?" Silver asked him. "I mean, not really. It kind of depends on the person. Who's the lucky girl?" Shadow wondered as he tried to get to the root of the problem. "It's not a her..." Silver replied meekly. "Oh, ok. Who's the lucky dude?" Shadow asked trying to figure out what the issue was.

"I'm not sure if I should say..." Silver replied sadly looking down. Shadow was determined to help his friends and refused to back down from it and continued to persist. "Please tell me, I wanna help you out! You deserve to be happy too!" Shadow told him.

It seemed like Silver was relenting and got closer and closer to Shadow's face, making him feel a little bit nervous. "Look, Shad... ever since we came friends when we were little, I've always felt something for you. When I was sent to go find the chaos emeralds, I was sad because you couldn't come on the journey. But I decided to continue on anyway because you were my motivation to survive. When I came back, I was so happy to be back in your life again. You've been my crush for a long time Shads." Silver explained deeply as he got even closer to Shadow's side. Hearing this news, Shadow froze and just stared at him shocked. Sonic was almost done making the rolls and put them on the plate before beginning to head out, completely unaware of the conversation the two just had. "Look, Silver, I wish I-" Shadow began, but couldn't prepare for what happened next.

Silver got closer before kissing him on the lips, holding Shadow close to him, refusing to let go. Immediately Shadow tried to move away but was in so much shock that couldn't. It was only then that Sonic came into the room. "Hey guys! I made cinna-" Sonic began, but his heart dropped when he saw Silver and Shadow kissing there on his couch. He dropped the plate, it hit the floor making a huge crash. Both snapped out of it, looking at Sonic who began crying. "S-Sonic! It's not what it looks like!" Shadow cried, pushing Silver off, and trying to get to his boyfriend's side. He couldn't take it and dashed out the door and headed straight to Tails' and Knuckles' house. Shadow gave chase but was so stunned that he tripped and fell. Once he made it to their house, Sonic pounded on the door, tears still flowing out like a river. "Sonic? What happened!" asked Rouge who happened to be there. "W-where's T-Tails?" he whimpered. Tails finally approached the door and became frantic seeing his friend so distraught. "Can you give us a minute Rouge?" he asked. "Of course. Let me know if you need anything." Once Rouge was gone, Tails looked to his best friend for answers. "What's wrong Sonic?" he asked. "He... SHADOW CHEATED ON ME!" Sonic wailed letting it all out. "WHAT! Come on in, you're staying here!" Tails ordered and brought him inside.

Because he shouted so loudly, Knuckles and Rouge guessed what happened. "He's so dead." Knuckles growled, but then calmed down when Rouge put her chin on his shoulder. "It's ok. It'll be ok." Tails comforted as Sonic continued to sob and cry constantly. It was only when they had him sleepy that they heard a knock on the door. Knuckles angrily got up but then Rouge stopped him in his tracks. "Let me handle it. I can get him to leave." Rouge told them and went outside. Shadow was there and he had tears streaming down his face but was somewhat relieved to see her. "Rouge! Is Sonic here? Please, I need to talk to him!" Shadow pleaded. "Look Shadow, I don't know what happened, but you need to leave." Rouge told him softly. "I need to see him! Can I please explain! It's all just a BIG misunderstanding!" he begged. "Give him time. Sonic is clearly not ready to talk to you. He's been crying so hard and having you here would only make things worse. Go Shadow... please." Rouge replied firmly before going back into the house and closing the door. After she left, Shadow cried some more before zooming off to the house. Everyone allowed Sonic to stay where he was, but that was one night Sonic couldn't stop crying. For the next few days, Sonic stayed inside, hardly slept, and cried a bit. Through those days, Shadow came every time, bearing a gift. But every time, Tails and Knuckles slammed the door in his face. The only times that Sonic went outside, was to fight Eggman and other crimes.

After the battles, Shadow would try to talk to him but would be brushed off every time. Shadow spent most of his time crying and doing things around the house. Silver spent time with him, mainly thinking about how things changed so drastically. Despite what happened, Shadow wasn't at all mad with him, but he hardly ever smiled. "Shad, you want some of this soup I made?" he asked softly. "No thanks. I'm not hungry..." he replied gloomily. Silver put the bowl down and sat down and laid his head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I caused all of this Shadow." Silver apologized. "I never told you about us. So how could you have known not to do that? In the end, it wouldn't matter... he won't talk to me. I just wish I could see him... explain... and tell him how much I love him..." Shadow sighed as he tried to hide his tears. With everything going on, Silver didn't want to start anything by mentioning a relationship. But he also knew, Shadow only wanted Sonic. He saw the bond they had before he knew the truth, and deep down he loved seeing Shadow so happy. But now that his crush was crushed, he felt miserable himself and didn't think that things should be this way. He wanted to make things right... but how?

Things didn't seem to be improving for the blue hedgehog either. One day he did research on a town nearby and make plans for an escape, but he didn't tell anyone yet. One day, Tails walked into his room where Sonic had his stuff sprawled out all over the place. "Do you ever clean your room? I mean, even my lab isn't this messy!" Tails joked as he picked up scattered papers off of the ground. "Oh uh yeah totally! C-Could you put those papers down?" Sonic asked him frantically.

Right when he picked up the last bunch, he realized they were apartment requests, train requests, and job request papers. He took a better look and saw the place he was going to was pretty far away from where they were already. "You're... you're moving?" he asked upset, his voice shaky. No longer could he hide the truth anymore and nodded his head slowly. "But why?" he asked painfully. "I can't... stay here. I'm just so miserable here!" Sonic cried. "But I'll be back, it's just that I need to refresh my brain from all this crud!" he added, his voice slightly cracking. Tails seemed to understand overall and hugged Sonic tightly to show his support. "You better come back." he whimpered. "I will little bro." Sonic reassured.

Soon the news was broken to most of the gang and they overall supported their friend. "Just come back on a regular schedule!" Amy told him calmly. "We'll be right here when you come back!" Blaze reassured. "Be safe for us hun, Knuckles gets bored without you!" Rouge replied, her tone playful. "I will not! Besides, I've got you." Knuckles teased as he gently nudged her. They talked a little bit more about everything and were able to enjoy other's company for the last few days they would have together as a group

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