Chapter 7

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A minute or two went by when Shadow made it to the station. He saw Sonic sitting on the bench and was easy to spot from the crowd and knew this would be his only chance. "S-SONIC!" he shouted, pain in his eyes. Sonic looked back to see the black and red hedgehog running towards him. When Shadow ran over and hugged him and held him close, Sonic didn't protest. "Please, don't go! I need you here! Your friends need you!" he cried. "I'm... I'm not sure. I'm just lost." Sonic cried. "Ten minutes!" the conductor shouted. "Look. I'd never choose you over anyone else! Silver kissed me, and he didn't know we were together. I'll do anything to make you happy, I'll fix myself, I'll make time for us, anything you want! Just... don't leave me here!" he pleaded. "All aboard the Chaos Express! We'll wait about five minutes!" the conductor shouted. "Please Sonic... I've missed you and all I've ever wanted was you! I don't want to lose you again!" Shadow begged.

"I love you blue... I love you with all my heart. That will never change! I love you..." Shadow cried. Sonic then looked Shadow in the eyes and after he said those words, that's all he needed to hear. "Just kiss me, Faker." Sonic replied and the two shared a passionate kiss. When the train made its farewell whistle, they just stayed there while kissing and hugging at the stations, enjoying each other's company. "Thank you." Shadow whispered. "I've missed you too Shadow, so, your welcome." Sonic replied. As they hugged again, Sonic caught a glimpse of Silver in the distance. Seeing the two happy again made Silver smile and tear up a bit. He waved goodbye to Sonic before walking away, his head held high.

Sonic couldn't help but feel a little bit bad but was overjoyed to have Shadow back. Things soon worked out on their own and things were much happier. Their friends welcomed them back into their main group, the two lived happily together.

One day the two went to spend time together and went out to a hidden forest that Shadow knew about. "Wow, Shads! You've really outdone yourself this time!" Sonic awed. "I'm talented that way." Shadow teased as they explored some more. At one point in the woods, they came upon a lake near some trees that had a banner that said I LOVE YOU! In all capital letters and in pink paint. "Aw Shadow! You did all of that for me? That's so sweet of-" Sonic awed. But when he turned around, he saw Shadow down on one knee and he had a ring box in his hand. Sonic teared up a bit but at the same time, he couldn't hide his smile. "Sonic, you mean the whole world to me. I can't imagine my life without you, you've been the best boyfriend ever and I don't want to lose you again. So I finally worked up the courage to make it official. Sonic the hedgehog... will you marry me?" he asked.

The ring was a mix of blue and red with a small diamond embedded in the middle. "Oh Shadow... of course!" Sonic cried and tackled him to give him hugs and kisses. They shared a passionate kiss and Shadow put the ring on his finger. "I love you blue blur." "I love you too Faker."

Everyone was so excited for them and were already obsessed with helping them for the big day. A year, 3 months and 5 days went by and the big day arrived.

"Oh my gosh Sonic, this is gonna be great! Now hold still, some of your quills are still messed up!" Amy geeked as she helped him out. "Alright! Thanks again, you guys. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time!" he sighed happily. "You're going to great big bro! I'll be right there as your best man!" Tails reassured excitedly. As Sonic was getting ready in one room, Shadow was preparing for his big day as well. "Shadow hold still! I'm trying to fix your tie!" Rouge snapped as she tried to fix it. "I look fine! Stop messing with it!" Shadow replied as he tried to wriggle away. "Fine is not good enough on your wedding day Shadow. What would Sonic tell you since it's y'alls special day?" Rouge lectured. "Alright! Just hurry up. I hate suits!" Shadow whined. Rouge chuckled and helped him fix it up. "I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life." Shadow told them, sweating just a bit. "You'll be fine! Sonic just doesn't want you to be a chicken and bailout!" Blaze reassured. "You're right. I just don't want to mess things up for him!" Shadow replied nervously. "You'll be fine! Just be you and the rest will follow through!" Knuckles reassured him. "Thank you, everyone! Really." Shadow thanked them. They had one last drink before the real thing started and everyone got somewhat nervous.

The wedding took place in a secret part of the woods. Everyone was a little teary-eyed, and some even cried dramatically. They were excited to see these two unite for life. But when Sonic came out, Shadow couldn't help but blush and tear up a bit. Sonic walked up gracefully to him and the two stared into each other's eyes.

Then the wedding began and it was the most beautiful day ever for everyone, then the rings were finally brought out. "By the power vested in me and with these rings, I hereby pronounce you mates!" the priest announced. "You may now kiss one another!" he added. The two kissed passionately and everyone stood up and cheered and clapped for the new couple. They went farther into the woods and to celebrate their union. At the celebration, Tails was able to crack some jokes about both of them, Knuckles raised a toast, and Amy even sang at their wedding. As the two danced in the moonlight, they looked at each other forever. "I love you Shads." Sonic sighed peacefully. "I love you too Sonic." Shadow sighed and the two kissed again as Tails and Amy made fireworks and fireflies fly all around them.

While happiness surrounds them, darkness surrounded Silver as he saw the fireworks and fireflies soar. I'll never get to be happy will I? I'm always gonna be alone... He thought. Yet little did he know, another love story was soon to fly!

Hey guys! It's stormy here! Thx for all the support, it rly helps me out with everything. I've got more stories coming out soon so if u want to here more about that, follow me so u can always get updates or big news. If u want to give me ideas, feel free to! I'm always open ears! Ik this is my first so it's probably RLY cringe. But idc if I'm being real. Anyways, have a nice one and I hope u have a good day. Until next time, peace.

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