Chapter 6

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When the last night came, Sonic and Tails sat together, laughing and crying together since they might not see each other for a while. "I'll come after you if you forget about us big bro!" Tails joked, chilling by Sonic's side. "You're too hard to forget about bud! Let me know when you really need me back. I'll run faster than the speed of light." They always had each other since they were kids, but now things were going to change. "Do you think you can handle Eggman and the others?" Sonic asked him. "Duh! We can handle anyone that comes our way! Just get better ok?" Tails reassured. Sonic nodded and the two of them had one last drink together.

Right before he went to bed, Sonic packed the last few things he needed for tomorrow. He picked up a picture nearby of him, Tails, and Knuckles when they were kids. He smiled at it before placing it into his pack. He had most of his things together when he went to go pack his sweaters and jackets to take. Suddenly he noticed one jacket in particular. Shadow's. For a moment he thought that he should just get rid of it but in the end... he put the jacket on carefully and went to sleep so he could get up early. The next morning they got up early so he could head towards the train station. It was incredibly hard saying goodbye to both of his best friends and home. "Come back soon big bro!" Tails whimpered. "You know I will! Love ya little bro." Sonic reassured and went to hug Knuckles. "Take care of our family Knucks." Sonic pleaded. "I'll be here no matter what." Knuckles reassured him. "What do you want us to tell... you know? He'll be here around 10:00 as always." Tails wondered. "Just tell him the truth, there's no point in hiding it. Maybe he'll finally understand." Sonic responded sadly. All of them had a huge group hug and even began crying a little. "Gosh... I'm going to miss you guys!" he choked. "We'll miss you too bro." Tails cried. "And we'll be here when you come back." Knuckles added. They finally let go and Sonic waved to them before heading out the door.

Before doing anything, Sonic took in a deep breath and looked around his old home. He let out a huge sigh and sped off to say goodbye to Amy, Rouge, and Blaze. "Good luck Sonic! We'll be here when you return!" Amy reassured. "Thanks Ames. Thanks again Rouge and Blaze, please look after Knuckles Rouge!" Sonic thanked them. "You've got it hun! Come home soon!" she replied. "Good luck blue blur, don't forget to write!" Blaze told him. "I won't! Stay safe!" he replied and hugged each of them one last time before heading off. He left their place but decided to walk slowly. After all, he had a while and wanted to spend it in his old home. Going all sorts of places made him smile and frown. He was gonna miss it a lot... it was a land of memories. Sonic got a chillidog from his favorite place and ate it slowly. I wonder if my new home will even have good chillidogs... He thought before walking around some more.

Eventually, Sonic found himself at the park and decided to take in the scenery. While minding his own business, Silver just so happened to be there at the same time. The grey hedgehog was strolling around wondering how to fix the issue when he noticed Sonic standing alone with a huge backpack and a gym bag. At first, he didn't want to approach him but then finally worked up the courage to do so. "S-Sonic!" he shouted. Sonic turned around to see Silver running up to him. "Oh, Silver. N-Nice to see you." Sonic said blankly. "Same! What's with all the bags?" he asked. "Oh um... I'm moving." Sonic replied. Silver was shocked and began to freak out a bit. "M-Moving? B-But what about keeping the peace! Your friends! Shadow!" he gasped. "Peace can be kept with others, you'll be fine without me. My friends know I'll always come back for them, but I just need some time alone. As for me and Shadow... it doesn't matter anymore. He chose you over me Silv. I've got nothing against you... but I don't want to be involved in your relationship." Sonic replied.

"No. You're wrong Sonic... Shadow didn't choose me, he didn't choose me over you, and he didn't kiss me. I... I kissed him." he replied. Sonic couldn't believe what he said and just stared at him stunned. "W-What?" he finally asked. "Yes... it's true! You see... I've had a crush on him since we were kids. I was so happy to spend time with him again, and well, my feelings grew. When I kissed him I thought nothing was wrong. But after you dropped that plate and Shadow gave chase... I realized he already had someone close to his heart. It was you. He... Shadow never told me you guys were together when we hung out, I suppose it's because he was worried about our friendship, or how I might take it. I'm not trying to say him not telling me about you guys is right but... you two shouldn't have to suffer because of my mistakes." Silver explained to him, but then looked to the ground. "But... I don't understand. Wouldn't you want to keep Shadow to yourself?" Sonic asked him confused. "Well... I did at first. But when you guys split, all it did was make you both miserable as ever. Even if I do want Shadow, I could never make him happy, at least not like you do." Silver replied. A buzz went off in Sonic's pocket and he took out his cellphone.

He saw it was a reminder for the upcoming train to make sure he wasn't late. "I know I can't stop you. But I thought you deserved to know the truth. He's gonna be there soon... No matter how many times he gets the door slammed in his face, he'll always go there at 10:00 to try to see you. I know I'd rather see my crush with someone else and happy than be with me and be miserable. But you're going to do what you want and I'm not going to stop you. See you eventually Sonic." Silver told him, then walked away. For some reason, Sonic had different feelings towards Shadow, yet he decided to go to the station anyway.

It was almost 10:00 and Shadow went towards Tails' and Knuckles home, holding flowers. He knocked on the door, praying that maybe Sonic might talk to him today. "Oh, hey Shads." said Tails as he sadly came to greet him. "H-Hello! Um... can I talk to Sonic? Or, does he want to talk to me?" Shadow asked him. That's when Tails teared up a bit and wiped his eyes. "Shadow... Sonic's not here. And he won't be for a while." he replied. Confused, Shadow put the flowers down and looked Tails in the eyes. "What do you mean? What's going on?" he asked frantically. "Sonic's moving..." Tails replied. "W-What? Where!" he asked panicked. "He's going to the next town over. He's probably at the train station right now. I think it's about time for him to leave." Tails explained. Shadow was in shock and couldn't bear the thought of him leaving. He felt like fainting. "Look Shadow... I've forgiven you. I just wish you made a better choice and kept my big brother. See you around I guess." Tails told him calmly, then gently closed the door. Immediately Shadow felt the emotions overflow him and he sped towards the station to try to catch his true love.

Sonic waited at the station, the train starting to warm up. This is gonna be a new beginning... a new chance. But... do I really want to go? Do I want to leave everything behind? Sonic thought as he sat on a bench. He took Shadow's jacket and put it on, then thought more about what Silver had told him. Was what he said true? But what if... I mean I do miss him. I'm doing the right thing... right?" he thought. He heard the conductor shout that they were going to leave in half an hour. For comfort, he took out the photos of his friends and them goofing around. As he flipped through them, he stumbled across one of him and Shadow sharing a tender kiss on tender kiss on Christmas day. Something about it made him smile and cry a bit at the same time. He started thinking deeply about what Silver had told him and question if he should leave the one that seemed to love him so much behind. What if Shadow really cares? Is this the right decision? he panicked.

"Twenty minutes!" the conductor shouted. If there is a reason to stay, I hope it comes soon. 

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