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a few days later, they were still sitting in sangyeons humble-a-boad since they literally did not have any plans on going home. "let's play secret Santa! everyone writes their names on a paper and we pull a person we buy a gift for but they are not allowed to know!" kevin suggested. "sure kev," sangyeon nodded.

"i'll go get a box and pieces of paper," juyeon said before getting up and walking off into sangyeons probably study room. juyeon soon came back with a box in his hands and a few pieces of paper. but as he was walking, he tripped over nothing and fell, dropping the supplies he had in his grip.

"juyeon," hwayoung spoke, "that looked like," she scrunched up her nose and looked at juyeon who was still on the floor. "THE FUNNIEST SHIT I HAD EVER SEEN!!!" the girl laughed hysterically and wiped away her tears. "STOP LAUGHING!" the boy whined. "IT'S TOO FUNNY PLEASE AAHHSHAAJSK" she wheezed and snorted.

"at least help me up!" he frowned. "help yourself," hwayoung smirked and turned away. juyeon heaved a sigh and stood up, brushing the dirt off of his pajamas roughly before picking up the supplies again. he finally walked over to the others and sat down, placing the box in the middle.

soon, he handed out the papers and pens, writing down their names and putting them folded into a box. they all went by age order youngest to oldest. after hyunjoon, sunwoo and Eric, its was hwayoungs turn. she picked a piece of paper and read the name a few times before finally realizing who it belonged to.

the paper read sangyeon.

she looked shocked and passed the box over to haknyeon after. after a few minutes of picking, it was sangyeons turn. he took the last sheet of paper and unfolded it to reveal the name,


he bit his lip nervously and chuckled, before putting the box in the middle. "so, we all have our manitos?" kevin asked. they nodded and looked at each other in agreement. hwayoung slightly panicked inside because she didn't know what to buy her crush.

"uh, Hwa? sangyeon? you two look a little spaced out." Jacob pointed out. "huh?" they both answered in sync. "I'm fine don't worry," they both answered in unison again. hwayoung glared at the male as he just shrugged. "sus," sunwoo blurted out and smirked.

eric looked displeased at the both of them, knowing his feelings for hwayoung. but he didn't want to make a huge drama out of it. so he let it be.

"alright so we have time till Christmas to buy our manitos a gift," younghoon explained. all of them nodded. "let's decorate sangyeons tree already," chanhee exclaimed. "it looks so bland." he frowned, staring at the naked tree. "shut up twink you're just gonna cover it in glitter and fairylights and shits," sunwoo spat.

"shut up you half-assed raccoon. no one asked for your opinion," chanhee answered and furrowed his eyebrows. "little s-" "my Christmas decorations are under my bed." sangyeon informed, cutting sunwoo off before he continued his sentence.

"i'll get them." eric said and stood up from the floor. "i'm going with him." hwayoung smiled and stood up after him. the two of them walked into sangyeons room and crouched down by his bed, seeing multiple boxes labeled: 'Christmas decor'. they grabbed the boxes but hwayoung kept her eye on something that was hid under the bed as well.

"are you coming?" he asked. "you can go, i'll stay for a bit.." she answered. eric looked at her in confusion but shrugged it off and carried the boxes out. she looked at the small book that was placed under the bed and took it out carefully. hwayoung brushed off the dust from the book and saw that it was labeled, 'diary'.

she knew that she shouldn't be going through stuff that doesn't belong to her, but curiosity took advantage of her. hwayoung cracked the code to the diary and to her surprise, it was her birthday. hwayoung was confused on why but shook it off.

it seemed like it was newly written, the pages weren't crumbled and dirty. the ink looked like it was as good as new. she looked at the date and read, "December 12th 2020.." hwayoung whispered and read through.

dear diary,

I know this is gonna be the first page I'll be writing in here but that's off of the topic I was gonna talk about.

I have this really goofy, stupid and kind friend. her name is kwon hwayoung. she's the only girl I have ever talked to in my whole life. literally the only one. the both of us have the title class clowns in our class because we enjoy joking around and messing with teachers. and honestly, I have this weird feeling, it feels like butterflies are fluttering around in my stomach whenever I'm with her. it's like she's casted a spell on me that makes me..fall for her. I just want to protect her from everything and keep her safe. I want her to be mine, but I have a feeling that I'll make Eric sad. it feels like I'm betraying him.. but I don't want to do that. but I love her, you know what- I sound cheesy a
so I'll stop here.

thanks for mclistening I guess,

hwayoung widened her eyes in shock and quickly closed the diary, throwing it under the bed again. she put a hand to her face, feeling warmth rise onto it. she clutched her chest as she felt her heartbeat race. but when she thought back,

"both sangyeon and eric like me..?" she questioned. "that's stupid of them, why would they want to dare such a mischievous girl like me? especially if they know about what happened between me and harin anyway?.." she trailed off as that name slipped from her tongue again.

mentioning that name, she stared at the diary, tears welled up in her eyes. hwayoung softly trailed her finger along the bland book. she shut her eyes tightly and let tears fall. the girls' hands bawled up into fists as she cried. "I shouldn't be thinking about it.." she whispered to herself.

soon, someone came in. hwayoung gasped and threw the diary under the bed again, wiping away her tears. "hwayoung, are you coming? we're decorating the tree." sangyeon asked. "y-yeah, i'll be right there." she answered. he nodded and left.

the girl took the box again and headed out to the other boys.


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