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hwayoung and the boyz finished decorafing the tree, they still had enough time to buy their secrer santas and others gifts. sangyeon walkes up to hwayoung and spoke, "how about you and i go together gift shopping for our manitos?" he suggested.

"s-sure.." she stammered and gulped harshly. "why are you so tensed up hwa? is there something wrong? you can tell me." he worriedly asked, gripping onto her upper arm. "don't worry about anything yeon, everythings fine!" she reassured and brushed his hand off.

"if you say so." he replied and fixed his sweater. "hwa, there's a tag on my back, could you pull it off? it tickles and bothers me." sangyeon pleaded. "sure~" hwayoung smiled and tiptoed over to sangyeons back, grabbing the sweater and pulling the bothering piece of fabric off.

"better?" "much better" he chuckled. she smiled and slipped on her shoes.


they've arrived at the mall and decided to split up, of course, as mentioned earlier, sangyeon went with hwayoung. "the english line can go, the bermuda triangle, changmin, chanhee and i, and i guess haknyeon and hyunjoon. then theres sangyeon and hwa, is that okay?" sunwoo paired. they nodded in agreement and smiled.

"lets go!" eric cheered. they all walked off and sangyeon dragged hwayoung to a pet store. "let's go visit that snake you wanted." sangyeon smiled. "alright~" she responded and followed him.

soon they arrived at the pet store and hwayoung immediately ran to the snake. her eyes sparkled as she saw it again. "i almost thought it was gone.." she let out a relieved sigh. "hwa, that's my present for someone, if you don't mind them having it..?" sangyeon whispered. "oh.. sure, i don't mind." she sounded rather sad.

"hey, changmin wanted a snake, you get to see it every day if changmin is even home!" he lied. "really? as long as i get to see it every day.. I'll let him have it." she answered. "alright." the male went up to the counter and asked for the pet snake. "promise me one thing, you wILL NOT BETRAY ME FOR CHANGMIN" hwayoung warned.

sangyeon rolled his eyes at the girl and chuckled. the employee walked over to the pet snake, opening its "aquarium" and put it into a plastic carrier. she brought it up to the counter. sangyeon continued to do whatever and then took the pet snake.

"sangyeon is there anything specific you would want?" she asked. "not sure, why?" "oh uh, just asking because i'm trying to find a fitting gift for jacob and the both of you seem alike judging by your personalities soooo.." hwayoung lied.
"oh, jacob is your secret santa?" he asked. "mhm" she hummed.

"oooh, the most fitting gift you can give him is cereal." he chuckled. "what the crap, i'm not buying him food if he can do it himself." she cocked and eyebrow. "joking, how about just simple clothing? jacob isn't the type of guy who likes expensive things. he's just a simple guy, like me." sangyeon shrugged. "great gift, thanks yeon." she smiled at him and dragged him into a store.

"ooh, should i buy him and i matching shirts?" hwayoung assured. "sure, that wouldn't be too bad, you barely do anything with him anyway." he chuckled. "woah, he's acting so chill what the mcfuck" thought hwayoung.
"i'll buy these!" she pointed at white t-shirts with a cute little print on it.

"sure, jacob would like that," sangyeon beamed a sorrowful smile at her. she smiled back but noticed that something was off with his smile. hwayoung knew that he was starting to feel at least a little bit of jealousy. walking up to the counter, she waited for her turn. it was finally her turn and she paid for thr things she bought.

"let's go eat something~" she chuckled as she held sangyeons wrist and walked to a small café. sangyeon heaved a sigh, furrowing his eyebrows but still smiling at the girl. never has he ever felt a stab in his heart. i mean it's only a secret santa, why is he making a huge deal out of it? he doesn't know it himself.

"what do you want to drink?" she asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. "just some type of coffee is fine. are you sure you're going to pay for this?" he asked. "it's on me yeon. you always pay for me so why not give you a treat?" she smiled and went to order.

after ordering, she saw sangyeon sitting by a table for two and sat down the opposite side of him. "that was fast." he chuckled. "yeah, i tend to have that trick." she smirked. "whatever." he rolled his eyes and looked through his phone. "hey hwa," he called. "hm?" she hummed in response.

"look at this," he showed her his phone and chuckled softly. "that's nothing like me!" she frowned at the meme sangyeon showed her. "you are really fierce and big trouble." he shrugged. "i hate you." she pouted. "here are the drinks you ordered~" the waiter smiled and put their drinks on the table.

they bowed their heads as a thank you and sipped from their cups. "hwayoung," sangyeon called again. "your calls are crawling up my ass, what do you need?" she playfully groaned. "nothing~" he smirked. "yah, you're so annoying what in the mcfuck." hwayoung rolled her eyes and scrolled through her phone.

"whateverrrr.." sangyeon smiled. "don't smile at me like that you piece of mcshit." a threatening glare was thrown at the male sitting across from her. "you're so annoyinggg." she groaned. "alright then, i'll stop bothering you~" sangyeon pouted at her.

"you're being really clingy, what's up?" she questioned. "nothing, i just missed hanging out with you, just us haha" he nervously chuckled and scratched his nape. "you're so cute thouuuggghhh" hwayoung cooed and ruffled up sangyeons brown hair.

"hey, you ruined my hair.." he frowned. "welp, your loss, stop being so adorable will you?" she smirked. a pink tint made its way onto the males' cheeks. he was actually in love

this is ending soon oof

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