Jacob Black X M! Reader

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So- I'm starting this book-

The updates probably will be low but I'll try to write something😖

There will be part two. Probably...


I wasn't common for wolfshifters to fell for eahother and it was also shook that it were two male but nobody said anything- you can't choose who you imprint for.

Jacob was shoocked by it- wanting Bella to be the one.

At first Jacob behaved like he didn't even saw his imprint. Of course it hurted (Y/N) but he also know it's hard to take back the dreams, fantazies about the person you fell for so many years and it turnes out it wasn't meant to be- well imprints could be only platonic, like brother, sister, a familly member or just a friend.

But not this time- everyone in the wolf pack could see how much Jake is disappointed and how much (Y/N) is willing to take.

Not comming closer than needed, he eate meals at the end of the table or in his room when he felt like his presestence wasn't wanted, he didn't comented on what Jacob said out loud or think in his head being turned into wolf.

It also didn't helped that (Y/N) was going to school with Bella..
Sometimes it was awkward and definitly scary when Jake saw Bella talking with (Y/N), it was about a stupid project but he nearly lashed out on one of the wlof pack member.

After that (Y/N) didn't walk of his room for a month not wanting to anger younger boy more than he already had. It worried the pack, they tried to talk with Jacob but it only got worse.

Couple of days later


Jacob heared a knock on his bedroom door. He didn't open smelling that sweet scent of (Y/N). Then it was silence. He opened and saw a lists.

I know you don't want to see me, and you don't need anymore.
I'm moving schools so I'll be leaving in a couple of minutes to the house far away from here.
Now I hope you'll have what you always wanted.

After re-reading this black haired boy though he would feel better- but he felt numb. Not only he had been awfoul for his imprint but also maked him move from here and the pack- his familly.

But now he can concentrate on Bella.

Maby she will notice him and leave that blood sucker..


It didn't worked out....

Jacob felt ever worse than before. He missed (Y/N), that quiet laugh, his cooking- hell he could breake any conflict in the pack before it even started challenging their alpha.

The small knock startled sitting boy. "Go to him, I'm sure he missed you too." Sam said and go away not waiting for answer.


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