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The next day, Trixie had gotten up at around the same time as Charlie, and got dressed for school. Of course, Mr. Nolan had given her a skirt and fucking Mary janes to wear, but who did she think she was?

Not someone who wore Mary janes. Pulling on the skirt and rolling it up her waist a bit, she pulled on the same combat boots she had on yesterday, tucking in one side of her shirt and leaving the other out, pulling the blazer overtop the blouse.

"You seriously gonna wear those?" Charlie laughed, pointing at his roommate's feet.

"Well, it's not like Mr. Nolan can punish me. My dad's got money, remember?" She winked, grabbing the books off her desk. "See you at breakfast!"

Trixie sat with Charlie and the rest of the guys, the guys including Gerard, Neil, Todd, Knox, and of course, Meeks. 

The first couple periods were quite boring, as it was mostly a review for Trixie. Her dad had made her take tutoring lessons, claiming that her already private education wasn't enough for her. Of course, she'd quit last year, refusing to take any more of the stupid lessons.

Even Meeks, the brains (and the beauty) of the group, was furiously writing down notes as the trig teacher went on and on, with Trixie staring out of the window, her pen untouched, as she gazed past the lake, past the grass and past the gates, into the afar, directly into the horizon line.

And then came English. Charlie had walked Trixie directly to the class, the rest of the boys walking in behind the two. Trixie sat down at the back of class, Charlie to the left of her.

Meeks came in and sat down at her right, catching her eye and smiling, making Trixie blush subconsciously. What was she thinking? She wasn't. Of course no one would match up to her girlfriend, could they? Not even Steven? Trixie pushed it out of her mind, and thought no more of it. She was just here for the year.

Most of the class had already settled in, the teacher had not yet arrived. A few moments later, Mr. Keating, the new English teacher, wandered in from the front of the classroom, whistling a tune to which Trixie had recognized as the 1812 over tune.

And to everyone's surprise, the teacher went in from the front door, and right out of the back, the student's eyes following him, confused.

Poking his head back into the classroom, Mr. Keating said, "Well come on."

After a moments hesitation, the rest of the class started to get up, following Mr. Keating out of the classroom.

"Shit," Trixie muttered under breath, as she realized she'd forgotten her book inside the classroom.

"Here, we can share mine," a voice said, and Trixie looked up, realizing that it was the ginger haired guy, Steven Meeks, that had offered to share his book.

From across the room, Charlie whispered to Knox, "We have to get those two together."

"Do you even know if she's single?" Knox laughed.

"Who cares? Just look at them together! can't you see it Knoxious?"

"Quite true," he replied, and that was exactly how operation "get Trixie and Meeks" together started.

They stood there in the hall for a moment, before their teacher broke the silence. "Oh captain, my captain," Mr. Keating said. "Who knows where that comes from?"

"Whitman," Trixie said, surprising most of the people in the class, that some girl was the first to answer. She rolled her eyes at the boy who was looking at her funny.

"Correct! And you are?" Mr. Keating said, a light in his eyes when they fell upon the new girl.

"Bellatrix Blanche."

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