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"Don't, call, me that."

"What?!" Cameron said defensively, not getting what had set her off so much. "I just don't like the name Trixie!"

"Don't fucking call me that!" Trixie practically yelled at Cameron.

But he was a bit sick of her, and decided to push her buttons just at the wrong time. "What are you gonna do, hm, Bella??"

And that just pushed her right off the edge of the cliff she'd been standing at for days; Trixie got out of her chair and punched Cameron right in his face, making a loud crack sound as he fell back down onto the ground.

"Oh shit!" Charlie yelled, getting up from his seat and rushing over to Trixie while Neil, Todd, and Knox crowded around Cameron on the floor. "Trixie what the fuck?" he whispered to his best friend, holding her fist, opening it and closing it, trying to calm her down. "Calm down, okay?"

"Shit, fuck I didn't mean- sorry Cameron I- just no one's called me that since Chris-" Trixie slapped her hand over her mouth quickly, realizing what she had just said, her head practically exploding in a string of curses as everyone in the room turned to face her, and had obviously heard what she had just said.

"Trixie?" Knox said quietly, getting up from next to Cameron, who held his face in his hands, a thin line of blood trailing down from his nose. "You know Chris?"

Trixie was speechless; she didn't know what to say, after what she'd just accidentally revealed.

Oh God, they're going to hate me, she thought, and ran out of the room, escaping Charlie's grip on her waist as she burst into tears, sobbing silently as she slammed the dorm room closed behind her.

Collapsing onto her bed, she held her face in her hands as she sobbed. She hadn't cried about Chris in a few days; and now Cameron had screwed it all up by that.

They were all going to hate her, she thought, for not telling them that she had dated Chris, the girl that Knox just happened to be in love with.

Why does it have to be this way, she thought.

Just then, her door slowly creaked open.

"Go away," she muttered, not looking up. Trixie rested her elbows her her knees, which were bare as she was wearing a small black skirt.

Charlie, who had just come into the room, didn't leave. Instead, he sat down next to her, putting his arm around her shoulder's as she calmed down a little bit.

Looking up at her best friend, she said, "You- you don't hate me?"

Charlie shook his head. "I think Knox does though."

"Oh, great," Trixie laughed sarcastically. "What about the others?"

"Well, Meeks isn't mad at you, since he probably has a crush on you," Trixie chuckled at that, "but the rest of the boys are on hiatus as to how they're feeling about you right now."

That didn't calm Trixie's thoughts much, but at least there were two people who didn't immensely hate her. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys," she whispered through her tears, patting her face with a tissue. "I didn't want to hurt Knox," she said, looking up at Charlie.

"I know love, I know."

She curled up next to him, and they stayed like that for a few minutes until there was a knock at the door. Charlie got up to open it, and it was Meeks.

Charlie let him in, and pressed a kiss to Trixie's temple before leaving the room for her and Meeks to talk.

Steven sat down close to Trixie, putting his arm around her shoulders lightly.

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