Chapter 8: What a Day

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Third POV

"Ok class, today we're wrapping up chapter twelve. Open up your books to page 345...."

Rob groaned quietly, placing his hoody over his head in hopes of somehow blocking out his professor's annoying voice. He knows that he should probably pay attention, but at the same time he doesn't want to worry about school at the moment.

Reese's birthday is today, and he doesn't know if he'll make it home in time before she goes to bed. He tried to reason with all of his bosses, but only one of them let him have the day off.

He even offered a few of them a deal that he'll come in earlier in the morning and in between classes to work, but they're stubborn and ignorant adults that are so drained and done that they don't care.

Rob had to give Sam the depressing call after his first class, trying to explain to him that he really doesn't know what time he'll be able to get off of work. Sam of course was understanding, but disappointed was clearly laced within his voice when he answered the call.

After Sam received the call, he immediately got Reese up and ready for the day. He wanted her day to be filled with fun and excitement, so if Rob isn't able to make it home in time, she'll probably take it a bit better if she's in a good mood.

Reese has no idea about her dad's situation, and Sam would like to keep it that way until he knows for sure that Rob won't be able to make it.

While Sam and Reese's day is filled with consistent laughter and fun, Rob is stuck at a desk in a cramped classroom, listening to the constant mumbling of adults that don't want to be there.

Rob sighed, strangely getting really annoyed at his professors voice, more than usual at least. Maybe it's because of his mood or whatever, but at the moment he can't stand it any longer.

He was lucky when class got out around ten seconds later, or else he would have probably dashed out the door right then and there.

He quickly got up from his seat, shoving all of his things into his backpack messily. He ran out of the room, breathing in the somewhat fresher air of the large hallways.

He has ten minutes before he has to get to his business class. He chose to major in business and marketing because Sara encouraged him too, and because he really didn't know what else to pick.

But, at the moment, he really wishes he could have done something else. The numbers and constant spreadsheets are things that stress Rob out, since he has to deal with those things outside of school as well.

He wants to drop out, to forget that college even exists, but he can't. He is so close to completing his degree, so close. He wants to be able to get a better job so that he can support Reese and her future, because he knows that what he's doing right now isn't very effective.

The bronze haired man headed to a nearby water fountain, filling up his dented and old water bottle. A line formed behind him as he did so, causing some impatient people to tap their feet as they waited for Rob to be done.

A sharp pain shot through Rob's body as a hard impact came in contact with the back of his knee. He yelped, falling to the ground as his water bottle slipped from his hands and landed on his body, water trickling onto his shirt and the floor.

"What the hell—"

"Get out of the line idiot." A woman's voice scolded, causing Rob to look up from where he was situated on the ground.

He recognized that face, that jacket, that hair. It was Kristen, wearing the same jacket that he saw her wear at the store, but with different pants. He automatically grew annoyed, standing up with a slight stumble.

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